Visible to the public A Chaotic Theorectical Approach to ECG-Based Identity Recognition [Application Notes]

TitleA Chaotic Theorectical Approach to ECG-Based Identity Recognition [Application Notes]
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsChing-Kun Chen, Chun-Liang Lin, Shyan-Lung Lin, Yen-Ming Chiu, Cheng-Tang Chiang
JournalComputational Intelligence Magazine, IEEE
Date PublishedFeb
KeywordsAccess Control, Biomedical monitoring, biometric features, biometric identification, biometrics, biometrics (access control), chaos, chaotic theoretical approach, ECG-based identity recognition, Electrocardiography, entrance security management system, Fingerprint recognition, Identity management, Pattern recognition, private document protection, security access control

Sophisticated technologies realized from applying the idea of biometric identification are increasingly applied in the entrance security management system, private document protection, and security access control. Common biometric identification involves voice, attitude, keystroke, signature, iris, face, palm or finger prints, etc. Still, there are novel identification technologies based on the individual's biometric features under development [1-4].

Citation Key6710250