Visible to the public Design method for developing a Mobile Engineering-Application Middleware (MEAM)

TitleDesign method for developing a Mobile Engineering-Application Middleware (MEAM)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsHoos, E.
Conference NamePervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PERCOM Workshops), 2014 IEEE International Conference on
Date PublishedMarch
KeywordsBusiness, Design Method, Design methodology, IT environment, MEAM, Measurement, middleware, Mobile Application, Mobile communication, mobile computing, Mobile Engineering Application Middleware, mobile engineering-application middleware, security, Systematics, touchscreen-based handling

Mobile Apps running on smartphones and tablet pes offer a new possibility to enhance the work of engineers because they provide an easy-to-use, touchscreen-based handling and can be used anytime and anywhere. Introducing mobile apps in the engineering domain is difficult because the IT environment is heterogeneous and engineering-specific challenges in the app development arise e. g., large amount of data and high security requirements. There is a need for an engineering-specific middleware to facilitate and standardize the app development. However, such a middleware does not yet exist as well as a holistic set of requirements for the development. Therefore, we propose a design method which offers a systematic procedure to develop Mobile Engineering-Application Middleware.

Citation Key6815193