Visible to the public "Interference-floor shaping for liquid coverage zones in coordinated 5G networks"Conflict Detection Enabled

Title"Interference-floor shaping for liquid coverage zones in coordinated 5G networks"
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsL. Thiele, M. Kurras, S. Jaeckel, S. Fähse, W. Zirwas
Conference Name2015 49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers
Date PublishedNov
ISBN Number978-1-4673-8576-3
Accession Number15821296
Keywords5G mobile communication, adjacent channel interference, antennas, channel components, Channel estimation, channel prediction, CoMP, coordinated 5G networks, destructive superposition, Geometry, Interference, interference-floor shaping, joint transmission coordinated multipoint, liquid coverage zones, Multiplexing, pubcrawl170103, Time-frequency Analysis

Joint transmission coordinated multi-point (CoMP) is a combination of constructive and destructive superposition of several to potentially many signal components, with the goal to maximize the desired receive-signal and at the same time to minimize mutual interference. Especially the destructive superposition requires accurate alignment of phases and amplitudes. Therefore, a 5G clean slate approach needs to incorporate the following enablers to overcome the challenging limitation for JT CoMP: accurate channel estimation of all relevant channel components, channel prediction for time-aligned precoder design, proper setup of cooperation areas corresponding to user grouping and to limit feedback overhead especially in FDD as well as treatment of out-of-cluster interference (interference floor shaping).

Citation Key7421310