Multi- and many-core systems are increasingly prevalent in embedded systems. Additionally, isolation requirements between different partitions and criticalities are gaining in importance. This difficult combination is not well addressed by current software systems. Parallel systems require consistency guarantees on shared data-structures often provided by locks that use predictable resource sharing protocols. However, as the number of cores increase, even a single shared cache-line (e.g. for the lock) can cause significant interference. In this paper, we present a clean-slate design of the SPeCK kernel, the next generation of our COMPOSITE OS, that attempts to provide a strong version of scalable predictability - where predictability bounds made on a single core, remain constant with an increase in cores. Results show that, despite using a non-preemptive kernel, it has strong scalable predictability, low average-case overheads, and demonstrates better response-times than a state-of-the-art preemptive system.
With the growing number of proposed clean-slate redesigns of the Internet, the need for a medium that enables all stakeholders to participate in the realization, evaluation, and selection of these designs is increasing. We believe that the missing catalyst is a meta network architecture that welcomes most, if not all, clean-state designs on a level playing field, lowers deployment barriers, and leaves the final evaluation to the broader community. This paper presents Linux XIA, a native implementation of XIA in the Linux kernel, as a candidate. We first describe Linux XIA in terms of its architectural realizations and algorithmic contributions. We then demonstrate how to port several distinct and unrelated network architectures onto Linux XIA. Finally, we provide a hybrid evaluation of Linux XIA at three levels of abstraction in terms of its ability to: evolve and foster interoperation of new architectures, embed disparate architectures inside the implementation's framework, and maintain a comparable forwarding performance to that of the legacy TCP/IP implementation. Given this evaluation, we substantiate a previously unsupported claim of XIA: that it readily supports and enables network evolution, collaboration, and interoperability - traits we view as central to the success of any future Internet architecture.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a promising direction for next-generation network design. Due to its clean-slate and highly flexible design, it is believed to be the foundational principle for designing network architectures and improving their flexibility, resilience, reliability, and security. As the technology matures, research in both industry and academia has designed a considerable number of tools to scale software-defined networks, in preparation for the wide deployment in wide-area networks. In this paper, we survey the mechanisms that can be used to address the scalability issues in software-defined wide-area networks. Starting from a successful distributed system, the Domain Name System, we discuss the essential elements to make a large scale network infrastructure scalable. Then, the existing technologies proposed in the literature are reviewed in three categories: scaling out/up the data plane and scaling the control plane. We conclude with possible research directions towards scaling software-defined wide-area networks.
With the pretty prompt growth in Internet content, the main usage pattern of internet is shifting from traditional host-to-host model to content dissemination model. To support content distribution, content delivery networks (CDNs) gives an ad-hoc solution and some of future internet projects suggest a clean-slate design. Web applications have become one of the fundamental internet services. How to effectively support the popular browser-based web application is one of keys to success for future internet projects. This paper proposes the IDNet-based web applications. IDNet consists of id/locator separation scheme and domain-insulated autonomous network architecture (DIANA) which redesign the future internet in the clean slate basis. We design and develop an IDNet Browser based on the open source Qt. IDNet browser enables ID fetching and rendering by both `idp:/' schemes URID (Universal Resource Identifier) and `http:/' schemes URI in HTML The experiment shows that it can well be applicable to the IDNet test topology.
Communication architecture is a crucial component in smart grid. Most of the previous researches have been focused on the traditional Internet and proposed numerous evolutionary designs. However, the traditional network architecture has been reported with multiple inherent shortcomings, which bring unprecedented challenges for the Smart Grid. Moreover, the smart network architecture for the future Smart Grid is still unexplored. In this context, this paper proposes a clean-slate communication approach to boost the development of smart grid in the respective of Smart Identifier Network (SINET), named SI4SG. It also designs the service resolution mechanism and the ns-3 based simulating tool for the proposed communication architecture.
Joint transmission coordinated multi-point (CoMP) is a combination of constructive and destructive superposition of several to potentially many signal components, with the goal to maximize the desired receive-signal and at the same time to minimize mutual interference. Especially the destructive superposition requires accurate alignment of phases and amplitudes. Therefore, a 5G clean slate approach needs to incorporate the following enablers to overcome the challenging limitation for JT CoMP: accurate channel estimation of all relevant channel components, channel prediction for time-aligned precoder design, proper setup of cooperation areas corresponding to user grouping and to limit feedback overhead especially in FDD as well as treatment of out-of-cluster interference (interference floor shaping).
The main usage pattern of internet is shifting from traditional host-to-host central model to content dissemination model. It leads to the pretty prompt growth in Internet content. CDN and P2P are two mainstream techmologies to provide streaming content services in the current Internet. In recent years, some researchers have begun to focus on CDN-P2P-hybrid architecture and ISP-friendly P2P content delivery technology. Web applications have become one of the fundamental internet services. How to effectively support the popular browser-based web application is one of keys to success for future internet projects. This paper proposes ID based browser with caching in IDNet. IDNet consists of id/locator separation scheme and domain-insulated autonomous network architecture (DIANA) which redesign the future internet in the clean slate basis. Experiment shows that ID web browser with caching function can support how to disseminate content and how to find the closet network in IDNet having identical contents.
Massive MIMO and tight cooperation between transmission nodes are expected to become an integral part of a future 5G radio system. As part of an overall interference mitigation scheme substantial gains in coverage, spectral as well as energy efficiency have been reported. One of the main limitations for massive MIMO and coordinated multi-point (CoMP) systems is the aging of the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT), which can be overcome partly by state of the art channel prediction techniques. For a clean slate 5G radio system, we propose to integrate channel prediction from the scratch in a flexible manner to benefit from future improvements in this area. As any prediction is unreliable by nature, further improvements over the state of the art are needed for a convincing solution. In this paper, we explain how the basic ingredients of 5G like base stations with massive MIMO antenna arrays, and multiple UE antennas can help to stretch today's limits with an approximately 10 dB lower normalized mean square error (NMSE) of the predicted channel. In combination with the novel introduced concept of artificially mutually coupled antennas, adding super-directivity gains to virtual beamforming, robust and accurate prediction over 10 ms with an NMSE of -20 dB up to 15 km/h at 2.6 GHz RF frequency could be achieved. This result has been achieved for measured channels without massive MIMO, but a comparison with ray-traced channels for the same scenario is provided as well.
Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet, which began as a research experiment, was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, particularly for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification and to an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design-in particular, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm-offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods and present a survey of its applications to networking.
In response to the critical challenges of the current Internet architecture and its protocols, a set of so-called clean slate designs has been proposed. Common among them is an addressing scheme that separates location and identity with self-certifying, flat and non-aggregatable address components. Each component is long, reaching a few kilobits, and would consume an amount of fast memory in data plane devices (e.g., routers) that is far beyond existing capacities. To address this challenge, we present Caesar, a high-speed and length-agnostic forwarding engine for future border routers, performing most of the lookups within three fast memory accesses. To compress forwarding states, Caesar constructs scalable and reliable Bloom filters in Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM). To guarantee correctness, Caesar detects false positives at high speed and develops a blacklisting approach to handling them. In addition, we optimize our design by introducing a hashing scheme that reduces the number of hash computations from k to log(k) per lookup based on hash coding theory. We handle routing updates while keeping filters highly utilized in address removals. We perform extensive analysis and simulations using real traffic and routing traces to demonstrate the benefits of our design. Our evaluation shows that Caesar is more energy-efficient and less expensive (in terms of total cost) compared to optimized IPv6 TCAM-based solutions by up to 67% and 43% respectively. In addition, the total cost of our design is approximately the same for various address lengths.
Content delivery such as P2P or video streaming generates the main part of the Internet traffic and Content Centric Network (CCN) appears as an appropriate architecture to satisfy the user needs. However, the lack of scalable routing scheme is one of the main obstacles that slows down a large deployment of CCN at an Internet-scale. In this paper we propose to use the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm to decouple data plane and control plane and present SRSC, a new routing scheme for CCN. Our solution is a clean-slate approach using only CCN messages and the SDN paradigm. We implemented our solution into the NS-3 simulator and perform simulations of our proposal. SRSC shows better performances than the flooding scheme used by default in CCN: it reduces the number of messages, while still improves CCN caching performances.
Internet is facing many challenges that cannot be solved easily through ad hoc patches. To address these challenges, many research programs and projects have been initiated and many solutions are being proposed. However, before we have a new architecture that can motivate Internet service providers (ISPs) to deploy and evolve, we need to address two issues: 1) know the current status better by appropriately evaluating the existing Internet; and 2) find how various incentives and strategies will affect the deployment of the new architecture. For the first issue, we define a series of quantitative metrics that can potentially unify results from several measurement projects using different approaches and can be an intrinsic part of future Internet architecture (FIA) for monitoring and evaluation. Using these metrics, we systematically evaluate the current interdomain routing system and reveal many “autonomous-system-level” observations and key lessons for new Internet architectures. Particularly, the evaluation results reveal the imbalance underlying the interdomain routing system and how the deployment of FIAs can benefit from these findings. With these findings, for the second issue, appropriate deployment strategies of the future architecture changes can be formed with balanced incentives for both customers and ISPs. The results can be used to shape the short- and long-term goals for new architectures that are simple evolutions of the current Internet (so-called dirty-slate architectures) and to some extent to clean-slate architectures.
In this paper we propose an architecture for fully-reconfigurable, plug-and-play wireless sensor network testbed. The proposed architecture is able to reconfigure and support easy experimentation and testing of standard protocol stacks (i.e. uIPv4 and uIPv6) as well as non-standardized clean-slate protocol stacks (e.g. configured using RIME). The parameters of the protocol stacks can be remotely reconfigured through an easy to use RESTful API. Additionally, we are able to fully reconfigure clean-slate protocol stacks at run-time. The architecture enables easy set-up of the network - plug - by using a protocol that automatically sets up a multi-hop network (i.e. RPL protocol) and it enables reconfiguration and experimentation - play - by using a simple, RESTful interaction with each node individually. The reference implementation of the architecture uses a dual-stack Contiki OS with the ProtoStack tool for dynamic composition of services.
We propose a clean-slate network architecture called Centralized Identifier Network (CIN) which jointly considers the ideas of both control plane/forwarding plane separation and identifier/locator separation. In such an architecture, a controller cluster is designed to perform routers' link states gathering and routing calculation/handing out. Meanwhile, a tailor-made router without routing calculation function is designed to forward packets and communicate with its controller. Furthermore, A router or a host owns a globally unique ID and a host should be registered to a router whose ID will be the host's location. Control plane/forwarding plane separation enables CIN easily re-splitting the network functions into finer optional building blocks for sufficient flexibility and adaptability. Identifier/locator separation helps CIN deal with serious scaling problems and offer support for host mobility. This article mainly shows the routing mechanism of CIN. Furthermore, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed mechanism.
We build upon the clean-slate, holistic approach to the design of secure protocols for wireless ad-hoc networks proposed in part one. We consider the case when the nodes are not synchronized, but instead have local clocks that are relatively affine. In addition, the network is open in that nodes can enter at arbitrary times. To account for this new behavior, we make substantial revisions to the protocol in part one. We define a game between protocols for open, unsynchronized nodes and the strategies of adversarial nodes. We show that the same guarantees in part one also apply in this game: the protocol not only achieves the max-min utility, but the min-max utility as well. That is, there is a saddle point in the game, and furthermore, the adversarial nodes are effectively limited to either jamming or conforming with the protocol.
In this paper we investigate the proposals made by various industries for the Cellular Internet of Things (C-IoT). We start by introducing the context of C-IoT and demonstrate how this technology is closely linked to the Low Power-Wide Area (LPWA) technologies and networks. An in-depth look and system level evaluation is given for each clean slate technology and a comparison is made based on its specifications.
In this paper we investigate the proposals made by various industries for the Cellular Internet of Things (C-IoT). We start by introducing the context of C-IoT and demonstrate how this technology is closely linked to the Low Power-Wide Area (LPWA) technologies and networks. An in-depth look and system level evaluation is given for each clean slate technology and a comparison is made based on its specifications.