Visible to the public "Dynamic Remote Attestation Based on Concerns"Conflict Detection Enabled

Title"Dynamic Remote Attestation Based on Concerns"
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsK. Xiangying, C. Yanhui
Conference Name2015 8th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design (ISCID)
Date PublishedDec
ISBN Number978-1-4673-9587-8
Accession Number 15988228
KeywordsApplication software, attestation relationship analysis, challenger relationship analysis, computing environments, concerns, data protection, dynamic credible monitoring module, dynamic remote attestation, efficiency improvement, integrity measurement architecture, load module, Merkel hash tree, Monitoring, Operating systems, privacy, privacy protection, pubcrawl, remote attestation, request service software module, security, software architecture, software integrity metrics, Software measurement, software metrics, static measure, storage applications, tree data structures, Trusted Computing, trusted root

Based on the analysis relationships of challenger and attestation in remote attestation process, we propose a dynamic remote attestation model based on concerns. By combines the trusted root and application of dynamic credible monitoring module, Convert the Measurement for all load module of integrity measurement architecture into the Attestation of the basic computing environments, dynamic credible monitoring module, and request service software module. Discuss the rationality of the model. The model used Merkel hash tree to storage applications software integrity metrics, both to protect the privacy of the other party application software, and also improves the efficiency of remote attestation. Experimental prototype system shows that the model can verify the dynamic behavior of the software, to make up for the lack of static measure.

Citation Key7468902