Visible to the public Mobile banking and information security risks: Demand-side predilections of South African lead-users

TitleMobile banking and information security risks: Demand-side predilections of South African lead-users
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsNjenga, K., Ndlovu, S.
Conference Name2015 Second International Conference on Information Security and Cyber Forensics (InfoSec)
Date Publishednov
ISBN Number978-1-4673-6988-6
KeywordsBanking, Context, Data analysis, Data collection, demand-side predilections, Gauteng province, human factors, Information security, information security risk, information security risks, Lead, Lead-users, Mobile banking, mobile banking services, mobile commerce, Mobile communication, Predilections, pubcrawl170107, pubcrawl170108, quantitative approach, security of data, software package, software packages, South African lead-users, TAM, theory-of-perceived risk, theory-of-technology acceptance model, Tinker, tinkering process, TPP, UCON, usage control theory

South Africa's lead-users predilections to tinker and innovate mobile banking services is driven by various constructs. Advanced technologies have made mobile banking services easy to use, attractive and beneficial. While this is welcome news to many, there are concerns that when lead-users tinker with these services, information security risks are exacerbated. The aim of this article is to present an insightful understanding of the demand-side predilections of South Africa's lead-users in such contexts. We assimilate the theories of Usage Control, (UCON), the Theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Theory of Perceived Risk (TPP) to explain predilections over technology. We demonstrate that constructs derived from these theories can explain the general demand-side predilection to tinker with mobile banking services. A quantitative approach was used to test this. From a sample of South African banking lead-users operating in Gauteng province of South Africa, data was collected and analysed with the help of a software package. We found unexpectedly that, lead-users predilections to tinker with mobile banking services was inhibited by perceived risk. Moreover, male lead-users were more domineering in the tinkering process than female lead-users. The implication for this is discussed and explained in the main body of work.

Citation Keynjenga_mobile_2015