Visible to the public Internet of Vulnerable Things (IoVT): Detecting Vulnerable SOHO Routers

TitleInternet of Vulnerable Things (IoVT): Detecting Vulnerable SOHO Routers
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsPoornachandran, P., Sreeram, R., Krishnan, M. R., Pal, S., Sankar, A. U. P., Ashok, A.
Conference Name2015 International Conference on Information Technology (ICIT)
Date Publisheddec
KeywordsASN space, attack patterns, Computer crime, computer network security, consumer grade small scale routers, data mining, DNS Changer, DNS information extraction, DNS settings, domain name space settings, Indian autonomous system number space, Information security, Internet, Internet of Things, Internet of Vulnerable Things, IP networks, man-in-the-middle attacks, Object recognition, pubcrawl170109, Servers, SOHO routers, telecommunication network routing, vulnerabilities, vulnerable SOHO router detection

There has been a rampant surge in compromise of consumer grade small scale routers in the last couple of years. Attackers are able to manipulate the Domain Name Space (DNS) settings of these devices hence making them capable of initiating different man-in-the-middle attacks. By this study we aim to explore and comprehend the current state of these attacks. Focusing on the Indian Autonomous System Number (ASN) space, we performed scans over 3 months to successfully find vulnerable routers and extracted the DNS information from these vulnerable routers. In this paper we present the methodology followed for scanning, a detailed analysis report of the information we were able to collect and an insight into the current trends in the attack patterns. We conclude by proposing recommendations for mitigating these attacks.

Citation Keypoornachandran_internet_2015