Visible to the public Proposing, specifying, and validating a controller-based routing protocol for a clean-slate Named-Data Networking

TitleProposing, specifying, and validating a controller-based routing protocol for a clean-slate Named-Data Networking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsTorres, J. V., Alvarenga, I. D., Pedroza, A. de Castro Pinto, Duarte, O. C. M. B.
Conference Name2016 7th International Conference on the Network of the Future (NOF)
Keywordsclean slate, clean-slate named-data networking, code signaling information, Collaboration, control message overhead avoidance, controller-based routing protocol, CRoS behavior, description language, formal method, Future Internet, Human Behavior, Internet, IP networks, Metrics, NDN routing schemes, Network topology, Petri nets, Proposals, protocol proposal description, pubcrawl, Resiliency, router memory requirement reduction, Routing, Routing protocols, specification language, specification languages

Named-Data Networking (NDN) is the most prominent proposal for a clean-slate proposal of Future Internet. Nevertheless, NDN routing schemes present scalability concerns due to the required number of stored routes and of control messages. In this work, we present a controller-based routing protocol using a formal method to unambiguously specify, and validate to prove its correctness. Our proposal codes signaling information on content names, avoiding control message overhead, and reduces router memory requirements, storing only the routes for simultaneously consumed prefixes. Additionally, the protocol installs a new route on all routers in a path with a single route request to the controller, avoiding replication of routing information and automating router provisioning. As a result, we provide a protocol proposal description using the Specification and Description Language and we validate the protocol, proving that CRoS behavior is free of dead or live locks. Furthermore, the protocol validation guarantees that the scheme ensures a valid working path from consumer to producer, even if it does not assure the shortest path.

Citation Keytorres_proposing_2016