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Obeidat, Nawar, Purdy, Carla.  2021.  Improving Security in SCADA Systems through Model-checking with TLA+. 2021 IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :832—835.
In today’s world, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks have many critical tasks, including managing infrastructure such as power, water, and sewage systems, and controlling automated manufacturing and transportation systems. Securing these systems is crucial. Here we describe a project to design security into an example system using formal specifications. Our example system is a component in a cybersecurity testbed at the University of Cincinnati, which was described in previous work. We also show how a design flaw can be discovered and corrected early in the system development process.
Hess, Andreas V., Mödersheim, Sebastian, Brucker, Achim D., Schlichtkrull, Anders.  2021.  Performing Security Proofs of Stateful Protocols. 2021 IEEE 34th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :1–16.
In protocol verification we observe a wide spectrum from fully automated methods to interactive theorem proving with proof assistants like Isabelle/HOL. The latter provide overwhelmingly high assurance of the correctness, which automated methods often cannot: due to their complexity, bugs in such automated verification tools are likely and thus the risk of erroneously verifying a flawed protocol is non-negligible. There are a few works that try to combine advantages from both ends of the spectrum: a high degree of automation and assurance. We present here a first step towards achieving this for a more challenging class of protocols, namely those that work with a mutable long-term state. To our knowledge this is the first approach that achieves fully automated verification of stateful protocols in an LCF-style theorem prover. The approach also includes a simple user-friendly transaction-based protocol specification language embedded into Isabelle, and can also leverage a number of existing results such as soundness of a typed model
Liu, Qian, de Simone, Robert, Chen, Xiaohong, Kang, Jiexiang, Liu, Jing, Yin, Wei, Wang, Hui.  2020.  Multiform Logical Time Amp; Space for Mobile Cyber-Physical System With Automated Driving Assistance System. 2020 27th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC). :415–424.
We study the use of Multiform Logical Time, as embodied in Esterel/SyncCharts and Clock Constraint Specification Language (CCSL), for the specification of assume-guarantee constraints providing safe driving rules related to time and space, in the context of Automated Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS). The main novelty lies in the use of logical clocks to represent the epochs of specific area encounters (when particular area trajectories just start overlapping for instance), thereby combining time and space constraints by CCSL to build safe driving rules specification. We propose the safe specification pattern at high-level that provide the required expressiveness for safe driving rules specification. In the pattern, multiform logical time provides the power of parameterization to express safe driving rules, before instantiation in further simulation contexts. We present an efficient way to irregularly update the constraints in the specification due to the context changes, where elements (other cars, road sections, traffic signs) may dynamically enter and exit the scene. In this way, we add constraints for the new elements and remove the constraints related to the disappearing elements rather than rebuild everything. The multi-lane highway scenario is used to illustrate how to irregularly and efficiently update the constraints in the specification while receiving a fresh scene.
Sun, H., Liu, L., Feng, L., Gu, Y. X..  2014.  Introducing Code Assets of a New White-Box Security Modeling Language. 2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops. :116—121.

This paper argues about a new conceptual modeling language for the White-Box (WB) security analysis. In the WB security domain, an attacker may have access to the inner structure of an application or even the entire binary code. It becomes pretty easy for attackers to inspect, reverse engineer, and tamper the application with the information they steal. The basis of this paper is the 14 patterns developed by a leading provider of software protection technologies and solutions. We provide a part of a new modeling language named i-WBS (White-Box Security) to describe problems of WB security better. The essence of White-Box security problem is code security. We made the new modeling language focus on code more than ever before. In this way, developers who are not security experts can easily understand what they need to really protect.

Tamimi, A., Touhiduzzaman, M., Hahn, A..  2019.  Modeling and Analysis Cyber Threats in Power Systems Using Architecture Analysis Design Language (AADL). 2019 Resilience Week (RWS). 1:213–218.
The lack of strong cyber-physical modeling capabilities presents many challenges across the design, development, verification, and maintenance phases of a system [7]. Novel techniques for modeling the cyber-grid components, along with analysis and verification techniques, are imperative to the deployment of a resilient and robust power grid. Several works address False Data Injection (FDI) attacks to the power grid. However, most of them suffer from the lack of a model to investigate the effects of attacks. This paper proposed a cyber-physical model using Architecture Analysis & Design Language (AADL) [15] and power system information models to address different attacks in power systems.
Merschjohann, Sven.  2019.  Automated Suggestions of Security Enhancing Improvements for Software Architectures. 2019 ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Companion (MODELS-C). :666–671.
Today, connectivity is demanded in almost every domain, e.g., the smart home domain and its connected smart household devices like TVs and fridges, or the industrial automation domain, connecting plants, controllers and sensors to the internet for purposes like condition monitoring. This trend amplifies the need for secure applications that can protect their sensitive data against manipulation and leaks. However, many applications are still built without considering security in its design phase, often it is perceived as too complicated and time consuming. This is a major oversight, as fixing vulnerabilities after release is often not feasible when major architecture redesigns are necessary. Therefore, the software developer has to make sure that the developed software architecture is secure. Today, there are some tools available to help the software developer in identifying potential security weaknesses of their architecture. However, easy and fast to use tools that support the software developer in improving their architecture's security are lacking. The goal of my thesis is to make security improvements easily applicable by non-security and non-architecture experts by proposing systematic, easy to use and automated techniques that will help the software developer in designing secure software architectures. To achieve this goal, I propose a method that enables the software developer to automatically find flaws and weaknesses, as well as appropriate improvements in their given software architecture during the design phase. For this method, I adopt Model-Based Development techniques by extending and creating Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for specifying the architecture itself and possible architectural improvements. Using these DSLs, my approach automatically suggests security enhancing improvements for the architecture, promoting increased security of software architectures and as such for the developed applications as a whole.
Gu, Zuxing, Zhou, Min, Wu, Jiecheng, Jiang, Yu, Liu, Jiaxiang, Gu, Ming.  2019.  IMSpec: An Extensible Approach to Exploring the Incorrect Usage of APIs. 2019 International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE). :216—223.
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) usually have usage constraints, such as call conditions or call orders. Incorrect usage of these constraints, called API misuse, will result in system crashes, bugs, and even security problems. It is crucial to detect such misuses early in the development process. Though many approaches have been proposed over the last years, recent studies show that API misuses are still prevalent, especially the ones specific to individual projects. In this paper, we strive to improve current API-misuse detection capability for large-scale C programs. First, We propose IMSpec, a lightweight domain-specific language enabling developers to specify API usage constraints in three different aspects (i.e., parameter validation, error handling, and causal calling), which are the majority of API-misuse bugs. Then, we have tailored a constraint guided static analysis engine to automatically parse IMSpec rules and detect API-misuse bugs with rich semantics. We evaluate our approach on widely used benchmarks and real-world projects. The results show that our easily extensible approach performs better than state-of-the-art tools. We also discover 19 previously unknown bugs in real-world open-source projects, all of which have been confirmed by the corresponding developers.
Ayache, Meryeme, Khoumsi, Ahmed, Erradi, Mohammed.  2019.  Managing Security Policies within Cloud Environments Using Aspect-Oriented State Machines. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet). :1—10.

Cloud Computing is the most suitable environment for the collaboration of multiple organizations via its multi-tenancy architecture. However, due to the distributed management of policies within these collaborations, they may contain several anomalies, such as conflicts and redundancies, which may lead to both safety and availability problems. On the other hand, current cloud computing solutions do not offer verification tools to manage access control policies. In this paper, we propose a cloud policy verification service (CPVS), that facilitates to users the management of there own security policies within Openstack cloud environment. Specifically, the proposed cloud service offers a policy verification approach to dynamically choose the adequate policy using Aspect-Oriented Finite State Machines (AO-FSM), where pointcuts and advices are used to adopt Domain-Specific Language (DSL) state machine artifacts. The pointcuts define states' patterns representing anomalies (e.g., conflicts) that may occur in a security policy, while the advices define the actions applied at the selected pointcuts to remove the anomalies. In order to demonstrate the efficiency of our approach, we provide time and space complexities. The approach was implemented as middleware service within Openstack cloud environment. The implementation results show that the middleware can detect and resolve different policy anomalies in an efficient manner.

Tahat, Amer, Joshi, Sarang, Goswami, Pronnoy, Ravindran, Binoy.  2019.  Scalable Translation Validation of Unverified Legacy OS Code. 2019 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD). :1–9.

Formally verifying functional and security properties of a large-scale production operating system is highly desirable. However, it is challenging as such OSes are often written in multiple source languages that have no formal semantics - a prerequisite for formal reasoning. To avoid expensive formalization of the semantics of multiple high-level source languages, we present a lightweight and rigorous verification toolchain that verifies OS code at the binary level, targeting ARM machines. To reason about ARM instructions, we first translate the ARM Specification Language that describes the semantics of the ARMv8 ISA into the PVS7 theorem prover and verify the translation. We leverage the radare2 reverse engineering tool to decode ARM binaries into PVS7 and verify the translation. Our translation verification methodology is a lightweight formal validation technique that generates large-scale instruction emulation test lemmas whose proof obligations are automatically discharged. To demonstrate our verification methodology, we apply the technique on two OSes: Google's Zircon and a subset of Linux. We extract a set of 370 functions from these OSes, translate them into PVS7, and verify the correctness of the translation by automatically discharging hundreds of thousands of proof obligations and tests. This took 27.5 person-months to develop.

Leal, A. G., Teixeira, Í C..  2018.  Development of a suite of IPv6 vulnerability scanning tests using the TTCN-3 language. 2018 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1–6.

With the transition from IPv4 IPv6 protocol to improve network communications, there are concerns about devices and applications' security that must be dealt at the beginning of implementation or during its lifecycle. Automate the vulnerability assessment process reduces management overhead, enabling better management of risks and control of the vulnerabilities. Consequently, it reduces the effort needed for each test and it allows the increase of the frequency of application, improving time management to perform all the other complicated tasks necessary to support a secure network. There are several researchers involved in tests of vulnerability in IPv6 networks, exploiting addressing mechanisms, extension headers, fragmentation, tunnelling or dual-stack networks (using both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time). Most existing tools use the programming languages C, Java, and Python instead of a language designed specifically to create a suite of tests, which reduces maintainability and extensibility of the tests. This paper presents a solution for IPv6 vulnerabilities scan tests, based on attack simulations, combining passive analysis (observing the manifestation of behaviours of the system under test) and an active one (stimulating the system to become symptomatic). Also, it describes a prototype that simulates and detects denial-of-service attacks on the ICMPv6 Protocol from IPv6. Also, a detailed report is created with the identified vulnerability and the possible existing solutions to mitigate such a gap, thus assisting the process of vulnerability management.

Maines, C. L., Zhou, B., Tang, S., Shi, Q..  2017.  Towards a Framework for the Extension and Visualisation of Cyber Security Requirements in Modelling Languages. 2017 10th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE). :71–76.
Every so often papers are published presenting a new extension for modelling cyber security requirements in Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). The frequent production of new extensions by experts belies the need for a richer and more usable representation of security requirements in BPMN processes. In this paper, we present our work considering an analysis of existing extensions and identify the notational issues present within each of them. We discuss how there is yet no single extension which represents a comprehensive range of cyber security concepts. Consequently, there is no adequate solution for accurately specifying cyber security requirements within BPMN. In order to address this, we propose a new framework that can be used to extend, visualise and verify cyber security requirements in not only BPMN, but any other existing modelling language. The framework comprises of the three core roles necessary for the successful development of a security extension. With each of these being further subdivided into the respective components each role must complete.
Kwon, H., Harris, W., Esmaeilzadeh, H..  2017.  Proving Flow Security of Sequential Logic via Automatically-Synthesized Relational Invariants. 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :420–435.

Due to the proliferation of reprogrammable hardware, core designs built from modules drawn from a variety of sources execute with direct access to critical system resources. Expressing guarantees that such modules satisfy, in particular the dynamic conditions under which they release information about their unbounded streams of inputs, and automatically proving that they satisfy such guarantees, is an open and critical problem.,,To address these challenges, we propose a domain-specific language, named STREAMS, for expressing information-flow policies with declassification over unbounded input streams. We also introduce a novel algorithm, named SIMAREL, that given a core design C and STREAMS policy P, automatically proves or falsifies that C satisfies P. The key technical insight behind the design of SIMAREL is a novel algorithm for efficiently synthesizing relational invariants over pairs of circuit executions.,,We expressed expected behavior of cores designed independently for research and production as STREAMS policies and used SIMAREL to check if each core satisfies its policy. SIMAREL proved that half of the cores satisfied expected behavior, but found unexpected information leaks in six open-source designs: an Ethernet controller, a flash memory controller, an SD-card storage manager, a robotics controller, a digital-signal processing (DSP) module, and a debugging interface.

Torres, J. V., Alvarenga, I. D., Pedroza, A. de Castro Pinto, Duarte, O. C. M. B..  2016.  Proposing, specifying, and validating a controller-based routing protocol for a clean-slate Named-Data Networking. 2016 7th International Conference on the Network of the Future (NOF). :1–5.

Named-Data Networking (NDN) is the most prominent proposal for a clean-slate proposal of Future Internet. Nevertheless, NDN routing schemes present scalability concerns due to the required number of stored routes and of control messages. In this work, we present a controller-based routing protocol using a formal method to unambiguously specify, and validate to prove its correctness. Our proposal codes signaling information on content names, avoiding control message overhead, and reduces router memory requirements, storing only the routes for simultaneously consumed prefixes. Additionally, the protocol installs a new route on all routers in a path with a single route request to the controller, avoiding replication of routing information and automating router provisioning. As a result, we provide a protocol proposal description using the Specification and Description Language and we validate the protocol, proving that CRoS behavior is free of dead or live locks. Furthermore, the protocol validation guarantees that the scheme ensures a valid working path from consumer to producer, even if it does not assure the shortest path.

Alsaleh, M.N., Al-Shaer, E.A..  2014.  Security configuration analytics using video games. Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2014 IEEE Conference on. :256-264.

Computing systems today have a large number of security configuration settings that enforce security properties. However, vulnerabilities and incorrect configuration increase the potential for attacks. Provable verification and simulation tools have been introduced to eliminate configuration conflicts and weaknesses, which can increase system robustness against attacks. Most of these tools require special knowledge in formal methods and precise specification for requirements in special languages, in addition to their excessive need for computing resources. Video games have been utilized by researchers to make educational software more attractive and engaging. Publishing these games for crowdsourcing can also stimulate competition between players and increase the game educational value. In this paper we introduce a game interface, called NetMaze, that represents the network configuration verification problem as a video game and allows for attack analysis. We aim to make the security analysis and hardening usable and accurately achievable, using the power of video games and the wisdom of crowdsourcing. Players can easily discover weaknesses in network configuration and investigate new attack scenarios. In addition, the gameplay scenarios can also be used to analyze and learn attack attribution considering human factors. In this paper, we present a provable mapping from the network configuration to 3D game objects.