Visible to the public Automated white-list learning technique for detection of malicious attack on web application

TitleAutomated white-list learning technique for detection of malicious attack on web application
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsMurtaza, S. M., Abid, A. S.
Conference Name2016 13th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST)
Keywordsautomated white-list learning technique, Buffer overflow attack, composability, Cross Site Scripting, cross site scripting attack, default allow model, Default allow model (Black Listing), Default Deny model(White Listing), extensible markup language, Generators, HTTP request splitting attack, HTTP response splitting attack, Human Behavior, Internet, learning (artificial intelligence), Logic gates, maintenance engineering, malicious attack detection, Organizations, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, security of data, semistructured XML case generation, SQL injection attack, Standards organizations, Structured Query Language, WAMG(Web Application Model Generator), Web Application Security, XML, XSS attack

Web application security has become crucially vital these days. Earlier "default allow" model was used to secure web applications but it was unable to secure web applications against plethora of attacks [1]. In contrast, more restricted security to the web applications is provided by default deny model which at first, builds a model for the particular application and then permits merely those requests that conform to that model while ignoring everything else. Besides this, a novel and effective methodology is followed that allows to analyze the validity of application requests and further results in the generation of semi structured XML cases for the web applications. Furthermore, mature and resilient XML cases are generated by employing learning techniques. This system will further be gauged by examining that XML file containing cases are in correct accordance with the XML format or not. Moreover, the distinction between malicious and non-malicious traffic is carried out carefully. Results have proved its efficacy of rule generation employing access traffic log of cross site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, HTTP Request Splitting, HTTP response splitting and Buffer overflow attacks.

Citation Keymurtaza_automated_2016