Visible to the public Detection Of URL In Image Steganography

TitleDetection Of URL In Image Steganography
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAljamea, Moudhi M., Iliopoulos, Costas S., Samiruzzaman, M.
Conference NameProceedings of the International Conference on Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-4063-2
Keywordscomposability, Image Steganography, Metrics, network coding, privacy, pubcrawl, security, steganalysis, steganography, steganography detection, string matching, URL Detection

Steganography is the science of hiding data within data. Either for the good purpose of secret communication or for the bad intention of leaking sensitive confidential data or embedding malicious code or URL. However, many different carrier file formats can be used to hide these data (network, audio, image..etc) but the most common steganography carrier is embedding secret data within images as it is considered to be the best and easiest way to hide all types of files (secret files) within an image using different formats (another image, text, video, virus, URL..etc). To the human eye, the changes in the image appearance with the hidden data can be imperceptible. In fact, images can be more than what we see with our eyes. Therefore, many solutions where proposed to help in detecting these hidden data but each solution have their own strong and weak points either by the limitation of resolving one type of image along with specific hiding technique and or most likely without extracting the hidden data. This paper intends to propose a novel detection approach that will concentrate on detecting any kind of hidden URL in all types of images and extract the hidden URL from the carrier image that used the LSB least significant bit hiding technique.

Citation Keyaljamea_detection_2016