Visible to the public Build Trust in the Cloud Computing - Isolation in Container Based Virtualisation

TitleBuild Trust in the Cloud Computing - Isolation in Container Based Virtualisation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsAlobaidan, I., Mackay, M., Tso, P.
Conference Name2016 9th International Conference on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE)
Date PublishedSept. 2016
ISBN Number978-1-5090-5487-9
KeywordsAccess Control, authorisation, cloud computing, cloud service providers, cloud users, container based virtualisation, Container isolation, container protection, Containers, data protection, Data security, isolation benchmarking, isolation benchmarking tools, IT ecosystems, Kernel, pubcrawl, RBAC, RBAC model, role-based access control model, Scalability, scalable computing resources, Scalable Security, security system, stress test, trust layer, trust relationship, Trusted Computing, virtual machines, Virtual machining, virtualisation

Cloud computing is revolutionizing many IT ecosystems through offering scalable computing resources that are easy to configure, use and inter-connect. However, this model has always been viewed with some suspicion as it raises a wide range of security and privacy issues that need to be negotiated. This research focuses on the construction of a trust layer in cloud computing to build a trust relationship between cloud service providers and cloud users. In particular, we address the rise of container-based virtualisation has a weak isolation compared to traditional VMs because of the shared use of the OS kernel and system components. Therefore, we will build a trust layer to solve the issues of weaker isolation whilst maintaining the performance and scalability of the approach. This paper has two objectives. Firstly, we propose a security system to protect containers from other guests through the addition of a Role-based Access Control (RBAC) model and the provision of strict data protection and security. Secondly, we provide a stress test using isolation benchmarking tools to evaluate the isolation in containers in term of performance.

Citation Keyalobaidan_build_2016