Visible to the public User-Demand-Oriented Privacy-Preservation in Video Delivering

TitleUser-Demand-Oriented Privacy-Preservation in Video Delivering
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsDu, H., Jung, T., Jian, X., Hu, Y., Hou, J., Li, X. Y.
Conference Name2016 12th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks (MSN)
KeywordsCameras, context features, data privacy, Estimation, feature extraction, Foresight Protection, Hidden Markov models, Human Behavior, human factors, inference channels, Metrics, object tracking, off-line requirements, on-line requirements, privacy, privacy demands, privacy-preserving video delivery system, pubcrawl, Resiliency, sensitive behavior prediction, sequence privacy protection, spatial features, surveillance, temporal features, usability, user-demand-oriented privacy-preservation, video information, Video Privacy, video privacy protection, video signal processing, video surveillance, video surveillance system, viewer-dependent pattern

This paper presents a framework for privacy-preserving video delivery system to fulfill users' privacy demands. The proposed framework leverages the inference channels in sensitive behavior prediction and object tracking in a video surveillance system for the sequence privacy protection. For such a goal, we need to capture different pieces of evidence which are used to infer the identity. The temporal, spatial and context features are extracted from the surveillance video as the observations to perceive the privacy demands and their correlations. Taking advantage of quantifying various evidence and utility, we let users subscribe videos with a viewer-dependent pattern. We implement a prototype system for off-line and on-line requirements in two typical monitoring scenarios to construct extensive experiments. The evaluation results show that our system can efficiently satisfy users' privacy demands while saving over 25% more video information compared to traditional video privacy protection schemes.

Citation Keydu_user-demand-oriented_2016