Visible to the public A network data security analysis method based on DPI technology

TitleA network data security analysis method based on DPI technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsWei, Li, Hongyu, Liu, Xiaoliang, Zhang
Conference Name2016 7th IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS)
ISBN Number978-1-4673-9904-3
Keywordsartificial neural network, Artificial neural networks, Collaboration, computer network security, data content detection, data filtering, data legitimacy, data protocol, deep packet inspection (DPI) technology, deep packet inspection technology, DPI technology, Fingerprint recognition, governance, Government, Inspection, internetworking, Logic gates, matched filters, network data legality, network data security analysis, network servers, policy, policy-based governance, power system, power system security, protocol analysis, protocol matching, protocol parsing, Protocols, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security gateway, Servers, threat data, visiting data security

In view of the high demand for the security of visiting data in power system, a network data security analysis method based on DPI technology was put forward in this paper, to solve the problem of security gateway judge the legality of the network data. Considering the legitimacy of the data involves data protocol and data contents, this article will filters the data from protocol matching and content detection. Using deep packet inspection (DPI) technology to screen the protocol. Using protocol analysis to detect the contents of data. This paper implements the function that allowing secure data through the gateway and blocking threat data. The example proves that the method is more effective guarantee the safety of visiting data.

Citation Keywei_network_2016