Visible to the public Security in Heterogeneous Distributed Storage Systems: A Practically Achievable Information-Theoretic Approach

TitleSecurity in Heterogeneous Distributed Storage Systems: A Practically Achievable Information-Theoretic Approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsBaldi, M., Chiaraluce, F., Senigagliesi, L., Spalazzi, L., Spegni, F.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1629-1
Keywordsattack algorithms, cache storage, caching systems, classical cryptographic approach, coding theory, compositionality, Computing Theory, cryptographic/information-theoretic approach, cryptography, distributed memory systems, distributed storage systems, Encryption, erasure codes, formal verification, heterogeneous distributed storage system security, Information theory, information-theoretic security, malicious user security, Measurement, Metrics, perfect secrecy, Probabilistic logic, Probabilistic Model Checker, probabilistic model checking, probability, pubcrawl, reliability, reliability assessment, resilience, Resiliency, security, security metrics, spread spectrum communication

Distributed storage systems and caching systems are becoming widespread, and this motivates the increasing interest on assessing their achievable performance in terms of reliability for legitimate users and security against malicious users. While the assessment of reliability takes benefit of the availability of well established metrics and tools, assessing security is more challenging. The classical cryptographic approach aims at estimating the computational effort for an attacker to break the system, and ensuring that it is far above any feasible amount. This has the limitation of depending on attack algorithms and advances in computing power. The information-theoretic approach instead exploits capacity measures to achieve unconditional security against attackers, but often does not provide practical recipes to reach such a condition. We propose a mixed cryptographic/information-theoretic approach with a twofold goal: estimating the levels of information-theoretic security and defining a practical scheme able to achieve them. In order to find optimal choices of the parameters of the proposed scheme, we exploit an effective probabilistic model checker, which allows us to overcome several limitations of more conventional methods.

Citation Keybaldi_security_2017