Visible to the public Security Control for Linear Systems Subject to Denial-of-Service Attacks

TitleSecurity Control for Linear Systems Subject to Denial-of-Service Attacks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsCui, T., Yu, H., Hao, F.
Conference Name2017 36th Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
Keywordsclosed loop systems, closed-loop stability, Computer crime, cyber physical systems, denial-of-service attacks, DoS attacks, Event-triggered control, event-triggered control systems, Linear systems, Metrics, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Robustness, Scalability, secure control, security, Security Control, stability, Stability analysis, Time Frequency Analysis, two-mode switching control method

This paper studies the stability of event-triggered control systems subject to Denial-of-Service attacks. An improved method is provided to increase frequency and duration of the DoS attacks where closed-loop stability is not destroyed. A two-mode switching control method is adopted to maintain stability of event-triggered control systems in the presence of attacks. Moreover, this paper reveals the relationship between robustness of systems against DoS attacks and lower bound of the inter-event times, namely, enlarging the inter-execution time contributes to enhancing the robustness of the systems against DoS attacks. Finally, some simulations are presented to illustrate the efficiency and feasibility of the obtained results.

Citation Keycui_security_2017