Visible to the public Trust Structure in Public Key Infrastructures

TitleTrust Structure in Public Key Infrastructures
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsP, Rahoof P., Nair, L. R., P, Thafasal Ijyas V.
Conference Name2017 2nd International Conference on Anti-Cyber Crimes (ICACC)
Date Publishedmar
ISBN Number978-1-5090-5814-3
Keywordsauthentication, certification, formatting, generic PKI model, Human Behavior, human factors, insert, intelligent algorithms, Metrics, PKI, PKI Trust Models, privacy, pubcrawl, Public key, public key cryptography, public key infrastructure, Resiliency, Scalability, security augmentation, Semantics, Servers, style, styling, trust structure, Trusted Computing

Recently perceived vulnerabilities in public key infrastructures (PKI) demand that a semantic or cognitive definition of trust is essential for augmenting the security through trust formulations. In this paper, we examine the meaning of trust in PKIs. Properly categorized trust can help in developing intelligent algorithms that can adapt to the security and privacy requirements of the clients. We delineate the different types of trust in a generic PKI model.

Citation Keyp_trust_2017