Visible to the public The building of a security strategy based on the model of game management

TitleThe building of a security strategy based on the model of game management
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsToliupa, S., Babenko, T., Trush, A.
Conference Name2017 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications. Science and Technology (PIC S T)
Keywordscomplex inter-dependencies, cost-efficient defense solutions, cyber security management, cybersecurity, Decision support systems, game management, game theoretic security, game theory, Games, human factors, Information security, Management, Metrics, principles theory game, Process modeling, pubcrawl, Scalability, security of data, security strategy, systemic approach, theory games

Cyber security management of systems in the cyberspace has been a challenging problem for both practitioners and the research community. Their proprietary nature along with the complexity renders traditional approaches rather insufficient and creating the need for the adoption of a holistic point of view. This paper draws upon the principles theory game in order to present a novel systemic approach towards cyber security management, taking into account the complex inter-dependencies and providing cost-efficient defense solutions.

Citation Keytoliupa_building_2017