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Wu, Yingzhen, Huo, Yan, Gao, Qinghe, Wu, Yue, Li, Xuehan.  2022.  Game-theoretic and Learning-aided Physical Layer Security for Multiple Intelligent Eavesdroppers. 2022 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps). :233—238.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is developing rapidly, permeating every aspect of human life. Although the integration between AI and communication contributes to the flourishing development of wireless communication, it induces severer security problems. As a supplement to the upper-layer cryptography protocol, physical layer security has become an intriguing technology to ensure the security of wireless communication systems. However, most of the current physical layer security research does not consider the intelligence and mobility of collusive eavesdroppers. In this paper, we consider a MIMO system model with a friendly intelligent jammer against multiple collusive intelligent eavesdroppers, and zero-sum game is exploited to formulate the confrontation of them. The Nash equilibrium is derived by convex optimization and alternative optimization in the free-space scenario of a single user system. We propose a zero-sum game deep learning algorithm (ZGDL) for general situations to solve non-convex game problems. In terms of the effectiveness, simulations are conducted to confirm that the proposed algorithm can obtain the Nash equilibrium.
Sinha, Arunesh.  2022.  AI and Security: A Game Perspective. 2022 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). :393–396.
In this short paper, we survey some work at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and security that are based on game theoretic considerations, and particularly focus on the author's (our) contribution in these areas. One half of this paper focuses on applications of game theoretic and learning reasoning for addressing security applications such as in public safety and wildlife conservation. In the second half, we present recent work that attacks the learning components of these works, leading to sub-optimal defense allocation. We finally end by pointing to issues and potential research problems that can arise due to data quality in the real world.
ISSN: 2155-2509
Hyder, Burhan, Majerus, Harrison, Sellars, Hayden, Greazel, Jonathan, Strobel, Joseph, Battani, Nicholas, Peng, Stefan, Govindarasu, Manimaran.  2022.  CySec Game: A Framework and Tool for Cyber Risk Assessment and Security Investment Optimization in Critical Infrastructures. 2022 Resilience Week (RWS). :1–6.
Cyber physical system (CPS) Critical infrastructures (CIs) like the power and energy systems are increasingly becoming vulnerable to cyber attacks. Mitigating cyber risks in CIs is one of the key objectives of the design and maintenance of these systems. These CPS CIs commonly use legacy devices for remote monitoring and control where complete upgrades are uneconomical and infeasible. Therefore, risk assessment plays an important role in systematically enumerating and selectively securing vulnerable or high-risk assets through optimal investments in the cybersecurity of the CPS CIs. In this paper, we propose a CPS CI security framework and software tool, CySec Game, to be used by the CI industry and academic researchers to assess cyber risks and to optimally allocate cybersecurity investments to mitigate the risks. This framework uses attack tree, attack-defense tree, and game theory algorithms to identify high-risk targets and suggest optimal investments to mitigate the identified risks. We evaluate the efficacy of the framework using the tool by implementing a smart grid case study that shows accurate analysis and feasible implementation of the framework and the tool in this CPS CI environment.
AnishFathima, B., Mahaboob, M., Kumar, S.Gokul, Jabakumar, A.Kingsly.  2022.  Secure Wireless Sensor Network Energy Optimization Model with Game Theory and Deep Learning Algorithm. 2022 8th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). 1:1746–1751.
Rational and smart decision making by means of strategic interaction and mathematical modelling is the key aspect of Game theory. Security games based on game theory are used extensively in cyberspace for various levels of security. The contemporary security issues can be modelled and analyzed using game theory as a robust mathematical framework. The attackers, defenders and the adversarial as well as defensive interactions can be captured using game theory. The security games equilibrium evaluation can help understand the attackers' strategies and potential threats at a deeper level for efficient defense. Wireless sensor network (WSN) designs are greatly benefitted by game theory. A deep learning adversarial network algorithm is used in combination with game theory enabling energy efficiency, optimal data delivery and security in a WSN. The trade-off between energy resource utilization and security is balanced using this technique.
ISSN: 2575-7288
Zhao, Zhihui, Zeng, Yicheng, Wang, Jinfa, Li, Hong, Zhu, Hongsong, Sun, Limin.  2022.  Detection and Incentive: A Tampering Detection Mechanism for Object Detection in Edge Computing. 2022 41st International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS). :166—177.
The object detection tasks based on edge computing have received great attention. A common concern hasn't been addressed is that edge may be unreliable and uploads the incorrect data to cloud. Existing works focus on the consistency of the transmitted data by edge. However, in cases when the inputs and the outputs are inherently different, the authenticity of data processing has not been addressed. In this paper, we first simply model the tampering detection. Then, bases on the feature insertion and game theory, the tampering detection and economic incentives mechanism (TDEI) is proposed. In tampering detection, terminal negotiates a set of features with cloud and inserts them into the raw data, after the cloud determines whether the results from edge contain the relevant information. The honesty incentives employs game theory to instill the distrust among different edges, preventing them from colluding and thwarting the tampering detection. Meanwhile, the subjectivity of nodes is also considered. TDEI distributes the tampering detection to all edges and realizes the self-detection of edge results. Experimental results based on the KITTI dataset, show that the accuracy of detection is 95% and 80%, when terminal's additional overhead is smaller than 30% for image and 20% for video, respectively. The interference ratios of TDEI to raw data are about 16% for video and 0% for image, respectively. Finally, we discuss the advantage and scalability of TDEI.
Wu, Zhiyong, Cao, Yanhua.  2022.  Analysis of “Tripartite and Bilateral” Space Deterrence Based on Signaling Game. 2022 IEEE 6th Information Technology and Mechatronics Engineering Conference (ITOEC). 6:2100–2104.
A “tripartite and bilateral” dynamic game model was constructed to study the impact of space deterrence on the challenger's military strategy in a military conflict. Based on the signal game theory, the payment matrices and optimal strategies of the sheltering side and challenging side were analyzed. In a theoretical framework, the indicators of the effectiveness of the challenger's response to space deterrence and the influencing factors of the sheltering's space deterrence were examined. The feasibility and effective means for the challenger to respond to the space deterrent in a “tripartite and bilateral” military conflict were concluded.
ISSN: 2693-289X
Rimawi, Diaeddin.  2022.  Green Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). :105—109.
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) represents systems that join both hardware and software components to perform real-time services. Maintaining the system's reliability is critical to the continuous delivery of these services. However, the CPS running environment is full of uncertainties and can easily lead to performance degradation. As a result, the need for a recovery technique is highly needed to achieve resilience in the system, with keeping in mind that this technique should be as green as possible. This early doctorate proposal, suggests a game theory solution to achieve resilience and green in CPS. Game theory has been known for its fast performance in decision-making, helping the system to choose what maximizes its payoffs. The proposed game model is described over a real-life collaborative artificial intelligence system (CAIS), that involves robots with humans to achieve a common goal. It shows how the expected results of the system will achieve the resilience of CAIS with minimized CO2 footprint.
Zhang, Xinyan.  2022.  Access Control Mechanism Based on Game Theory in the Internet of Things Environment. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1–6.
In order to solve the problem that the traditional “centralized” access control technology can no longer guarantee the security of access control in the current Internet of Things (IoT)environment, a dynamic access control game mechanism based on trust is proposed. According to the reliability parameters of the recommended information obtained by the two elements of interaction time and the number of interactions, the user's trust value is dynamically calculated, and the user is activated and authorized to the role through the trust level corresponding to the trust value. The trust value and dynamic adjustment factor are introduced into the income function to carry out game analysis to avoid malicious access behavior of users. The hybrid Nash equilibrium strategy of both sides of the transaction realizes the access decision-making work in the IoT environment. Experimental results show that the game mechanism proposed in this paper has a certain restraining effect on malicious nodes and can play a certain incentive role in the legitimate access behavior of IoT users.
Baksi, Rudra Prasad.  2022.  Pay or Not Pay? A Game-Theoretical Analysis of Ransomware Interactions Considering a Defender’s Deception Architecture 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - Supplemental Volume (DSN-S). :53–54.
Malware created by the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) groups do not typically carry out the attacks in a single stage. The “Cyber Kill Chain” framework developed by Lockheed Martin describes an APT through a seven stage life cycle [5] . APT groups are generally nation state actors [1] . They perform highly targeted attacks and do not stop until the goal is achieved [7] . Researchers are always working toward developing a system and a process to create an environment safe from APT type attacks [2] . In this paper, the threat considered is ransomware which are developed by APT groups. WannaCry is an example of a highly sophisticated ransomware created by the Lazurus group of North Korea and its level of sophistication is evident from the existence of a contingency plan of attack upon being discovered [3] [6] . The major contribution of this research is the analysis of APT type ransomware using game theory to present optimal strategies for the defender through the development of equilibrium solutions when faced with APT type ransomware attack. The goal of the equilibrium solutions is to help the defender in preparedness before the attack and in minimization of losses during and after the attack.
Jain, Ashima, Tripathi, Khushboo, Jatain, Aman, Chaudhary, Manju.  2022.  A Game Theory based Attacker Defender Model for IDS in Cloud Security. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom). :190–194.

Cloud security has become a serious challenge due to increasing number of attacks day-by-day. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) requires an efficient security model for improving security in the cloud. This paper proposes a game theory based model, named as Game Theory Cloud Security Deep Neural Network (GT-CSDNN) for security in cloud. The proposed model works with the Deep Neural Network (DNN) for classification of attack and normal data. The performance of the proposed model is evaluated with CICIDS-2018 dataset. The dataset is normalized and optimal points about normal and attack data are evaluated based on the Improved Whale Algorithm (IWA). The simulation results show that the proposed model exhibits improved performance as compared with existing techniques in terms of accuracy, precision, F-score, area under the curve, False Positive Rate (FPR) and detection rate.

Umar, Mohammad, Ayyub, Shaheen.  2022.  Intrinsic Decision based Situation Reaction CAPTCHA for Better Turing Test. 2022 International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology (I4Tech). :1–6.
In this modern era, web security is often required to beware from fraudulent activities. There are several hackers try to build a program that can interact with web pages automatically and try to breach the data or make several junk entries due to that web servers get hanged. To stop the junk entries; CAPTCHA is a solution through which bots can be identified and denied the machine based program to intervene with. CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. In the progression of CAPTCHA; there are several methods available such as distorted text, picture recognition, math solving and gaming based CAPTCHA. Game based turing test is very much popular now a day but there are several methods through which game can be cracked because game is not intellectual. So, there is a required of intrinsic CAPTCHA. The proposed system is based on Intrinsic Decision based Situation Reaction Challenge. The proposed system is able to better classify the humans and bots by its intrinsic problem. It has been considered as human is more capable to deal with the real life problems and machine is bit poor to understand the situation or how the problem can be solved. So, proposed system challenges with simple situations which is easier for human but almost impossible for bots. Human is required to use his common sense only and problem can be solved with few seconds.
Arfaoui, Amel, Kribeche, Ali, Senouci, Sidi Mohammed.  2020.  Cooperative MIMO for Adaptive Physical Layer Security in WBAN. ICC 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–7.
Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming an emerging paradigm to provide pervasive connectivity where “anything“ can be connected “anywhere” at “anytime” via massive deployment of physical objects like sensors, controllers, and actuators. However, the open nature of wireless communications and the energy constraint of the IoT devices impose strong security concerns. In this context, traditional cryptographic techniques may not be suitable in such a resource-constrained network. To address this problem, an effective security solution that ensures a trade-off between security effectiveness and energy efficiency is required. In this paper, we exploit cooperative transmission between sensor nodes in IoT for e-Health application, as a promising technique to enhance the physical layer security of wireless communications in terms of secrecy capacity while considering the resource-impoverished devices. Specifically, we propose a dynamic and cooperative virtual multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) configuration approach based on game theory to preserve the confidentiality of the transmitted messages with high energy savings. For this purpose, we model the physical layer security cooperation problem as a non-transferable coalition formation game. The set of cooperative devices form a virtual dynamically-configured MIMO network that is able to securely and efficiently transmit data to the destination. Simulation results show that the proposed game-based virtual MIMO configuration approach can improve the average secrecy capacity per device as well as the network lifetime compared to non-cooperative transmission.
Shao, Pengfei, Jin, Shuyuan.  2021.  A Dynamic Access Control Model Based on Game Theory for the Cloud. 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1–6.
The user's access history can be used as an important reference factor in determining whether to allow the current access request or not. And it is often ignored by the existing access control models. To make up for this defect, a Dynamic Trust - game theoretic Access Control model is proposed based on the previous work. This paper proposes a method to quantify the user's trust in the cloud environment, which uses identity trust, behavior trust, and reputation trust as metrics. By modeling the access process as a game and introducing the user's trust value into the pay-off matrix, the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium of cloud user and service provider is calculated respectively. Further, a calculation method for the threshold predefined by the service provider is proposed. Authorization of the access request depends on the comparison of the calculated probability of the user's adopting a malicious access policy with the threshold. Finally, we summarize this paper and make a prospect for future work.
Kumar, Vinod, Jha, Rakesh Kumar, Jain, Sanjeev.  2021.  Security Issues in Narrowband-IoT: Towards Green Communication. 2021 International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS (COMSNETS). :369–371.
In the security platform of Internet of Things (IoT), a licensed Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology, named Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT) is playing a vital role in transferring the information between objects. This technology is preferable for applications having a low data rate. As the number of subscribers increases, attack possibilities raise simultaneously. So securing the transmission between the objects becomes a big task. Bandwidth spoofing is one of the most sensitive attack that can be performed on the communication channel that lies between the access point and user equipment. This research proposal objective is to secure the system from the attack based on Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAVs) enabled Small Cell Access (SCA) device which acts as an intruder between the user and valid SCA and investigating the scenario when any intruder device comes within the communication range of the NB-IoT enabled device. Here, this article also proposed a mathematical solution for the proposed scenario.
Yao, Pengchao, Hao, Weijie, Yan, Bingjing, Yang, Tao, Wang, Jinming, Yang, Qiang.  2021.  Game-Theoretic Model for Optimal Cyber-Attack Defensive Decision-Making in Cyber-Physical Power Systems. 2021 IEEE 5th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :2359—2364.

Cyber-Physical Power Systems (CPPSs) currently face an increasing number of security attacks and lack methods for optimal proactive security decisions to defend the attacks. This paper proposed an optimal defensive method based on game theory to minimize the system performance deterioration of CPPSs under cyberspace attacks. The reinforcement learning algorithmic solution is used to obtain the Nash equilibrium and a set of metrics of system vulnerabilities are adopted to quantify the cost of defense against cyber-attacks. The minimax-Q algorithm is utilized to obtain the optimal defense strategy without the availability of the attacker's information. The proposed solution is assessed through experiments based on a realistic power generation microsystem testbed and the numerical results confirmed its effectiveness.

Pranesh, S.A., Kannan V., Vignesh, Viswanathan, N., Vijayalakshmi, M..  2020.  Design and Analysis of Incentive Mechanism for Ethereum-based Supply Chain Management Systems. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—6.
Blockchain is becoming more popular because of its decentralized, secured, and transparent nature. Supply chain and its management is indispensable to improve customer services, reduce operating costs and improve financial position of a firm. Integration of blockchain and supply chain is substantial, but it alone is not enough for the sustainability of supply chain systems. The proposed mechanism speaks about the method of rewarding the supply chain parties with incentives so as to improve the security and make the integration of supply chain with blockchain sustainable. The proposed incentive mechanism employs the co-operative approach of game theory where all the supply chain parties show a cooperative behavior of following the blockchain-based supply chain protocols and also this mechanism makes a fair attempt in rewarding the supply chain parties with incentives.
Sun, Zice, Wang, Yingjie, Tong, Xiangrong, Pan, Qingxian, Liu, Wenyi, Zhang, Jiqiu.  2021.  Service Quality Loss-aware Privacy Protection Mechanism in Edge-Cloud IoTs. 2021 13th International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI). :207—214.
With the continuous development of edge computing, the application scope of mobile crowdsourcing (MCS) is constantly increasing. The distributed nature of edge computing can transmit data at the edge of processing to meet the needs of low latency. The trustworthiness of the third-party platform will affect the level of privacy protection, because managers of the platform may disclose the information of workers. Anonymous servers also belong to third-party platforms. For unreal third-party platforms, this paper recommends that workers first use the localized differential privacy mechanism to interfere with the real location information, and then upload it to an anonymous server to request services, called the localized differential anonymous privacy protection mechanism (LDNP). The two privacy protection mechanisms further enhance privacy protection, but exacerbate the loss of service quality. Therefore, this paper proposes to give corresponding compensation based on the authenticity of the location information uploaded by workers, so as to encourage more workers to upload real location information. Through comparative experiments on real data, the LDNP algorithm not only protects the location privacy of workers, but also maintains the availability of data. The simulation experiment verifies the effectiveness of the incentive mechanism.
Zhao, Yue, Shen, Yang, Qi, Yuanbo.  2021.  A Security Analysis of Chinese Robot Supply Chain Based on Open-Source Intelligence. 2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI). :219—222.

This paper argues that the security management of the robot supply chain would preferably focus on Sino-US relations and technical bottlenecks based on a comprehensive security analysis through open-source intelligence and data mining of associated discourses. Through the lens of the newsboy model and game theory, this study reconstructs the risk appraisal model of the robot supply chain and rebalances the process of the Sino-US competition game, leading to the prediction of China's strategic movements under the supply risks. Ultimately, this paper offers a threefold suggestion: increasing the overall revenue through cost control and scaled expansion, resilience enhancement and risk prevention, and outreach of a third party's cooperation for confrontation capabilities reinforcement.

Li, Zhi, Liu, Yanzhu, Liu, Di, Zhang, Nan, Lu, Dawei, Huang, Xiaoguang.  2020.  A Security Defense Model for Ubiquitous Electric Internet of Things Based on Game Theory. 2020 IEEE 4th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :3125–3128.
Ubiquitous Electric Internet of Things (UEIoT) is the next generation electrical energy networks. The distributed and open structure of UEIoT is weak and vulnerable to security threats. To solve the security problem of UEIoT terminal, in this paper, the interaction between smart terminals and the malicious attackers in UEIoT as a differential game is investigated. A complex decision-making process and interactions between the smart terminal and attackers are analyzed. Through derivation and analysis of the model, an algorithm for the optimal defense strategy of UEIoT is designed. The results lay a theoretical foundation, which can support UEIoT make a dynamic strategy to improve the defensive ability.
Li, Kai, Yang, Dawei, Bai, Liang, Wang, Tianjun.  2021.  Security Risk Assessment Method of Edge Computing Container Based on Dynamic Game. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data Analytics (ICCCBDA). :195—199.
Compared with other virtualization technologies, container technology is widely used in edge computing because of its low cost, high reliability, high flexibility and fast portability. However, the use of container technology can alleviate the pressure of massive data, but also bring complex and diverse security problems. Reliable information security risk assessment method is the key to ensure the smooth application of container technology. According to the risk assessment theory, a security risk assessment method for edge computing containers based on dynamic game theory is proposed. Aiming at the complex container security attack and defense process, the container system's security model is constructed based on dynamic game theory. By combining the attack and defense matrix, the Nash equilibrium solution of the model is calculated, and the dynamic process of the mutual game between security defense and malicious attackers is analyzed. By solving the feedback Nash equilibrium solution of the model, the optimal strategies of the attackers are calculated. Finally, the simulation tool is used to solve the feedback Nash equilibrium solution of the two players in the proposed model, and the experimental environment verifies the usability of the risk assessment method.
Khadarvali, S., Madhusudhan, V., Kiranmayi, R..  2021.  Load Frequency Control of Two Area System with Security Attack and Game Theory Based Defender Action Using ALO Tuned Integral Controller. 2021 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Applications (ICCICA). :1—5.

Cyber-attacks in electrical power system causes serious damages causing breakdown of few equipment to shutdown of the complete power system. Game theory is used as a tool to detect the cyber-attack in the power system recently. Interaction between the attackers and the defenders which is the inherent nature of the game theory is exploited to detect the cyber-attack in the power system. This paper implements the cyber-attack detection on a two-area power system controlled using the Load Frequency controller. Ant Lion Optimization is used to tune the integral controller applied in the Load Frequency Controller. Cyber-attacks that include constant injection, bias injection, overcompensation, and negative compensation are tested on the Game theory-based attack detection algorithm proposed. It is considered that the smart meters are attacked with the attacks by manipulating the original data in the power system. MATLAB based implementation is developed and observed that the defender action is satisfactory in the two-area system considered. Tuning of integral controller in the Load Frequency controller in the two-area system is also observed to be effective.

Govindaraj, Logeswari, Sundan, Bose, Thangasamy, Anitha.  2021.  An Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for DDoS Attacks using a 2-Player Bayesian Game Theoretic Approach. 2021 4th International Conference on Computing and Communications Technologies (ICCCT). :319—324.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose a huge risk to the network and threaten its stability. A game theoretic approach for intrusion detection and prevention is proposed to avoid DDoS attacks in the internet. Game theory provides a control mechanism that automates the intrusion detection and prevention process within a network. In the proposed system, system-subject interaction is modeled as a 2-player Bayesian signaling zero sum game. The game's Nash Equilibrium gives a strategy for the attacker and the system such that neither can increase their payoff by changing their strategy unilaterally. Moreover, the Intent Objective and Strategy (IOS) of the attacker and the system are modeled and quantified using the concept of incentives. In the proposed system, the prevention subsystem consists of three important components namely a game engine, database and a search engine for computing the Nash equilibrium, to store and search the database for providing the optimum defense strategy. The framework proposed is validated via simulations using ns3 network simulator and has acquired over 80% detection rate, 90% prevention rate and 6% false positive alarms.

Guo, Lei, Xing, Yiping, Jiang, Chunxiao, Bai, Lin.  2021.  A NFV-based Resource Orchestration Algorithm for DDoS Mitigation in MEC. 2021 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC). :961—967.

With the emergence of computationally intensive and delay sensitive applications, mobile edge computing(MEC) has become more and more popular. Simultaneously, MEC paradigm is faced with security challenges, the most harmful of which is DDoS attack. In this paper, we focus on the resource orchestration algorithm in MEC scenario to mitigate DDoS attack. Most of existing works on resource orchestration algorithm barely take into account DDoS attack. Moreover, they assume that MEC nodes are unselfish, while in practice MEC nodes are selfish and try to maximize their individual utility only, as they usually belong to different network operators. To solve such problems, we propose a price-based resource orchestration algorithm(PROA) using game theory and convex optimization, which aims at mitigating DDoS attack while maximizing the utility of each participant. Pricing resources to simulate market mechanisms, which is national to make rational decisions for all participants. Finally, we conduct experiment using Matlab and show that the proposed PROA can effectively mitigate DDoS attack on the attacked MEC node.

He, Yu, Tian, Youliang, Xu, Hua.  2021.  Random verifiable multi-server searchable encryption scheme. 2021 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :88—93.

In order to solve the problem of difficult verification of query results in searchable encryption, we used the idea of Shamir-secret sharing, combined with game theory, to construct a randomly verifiable multi-cloud server searchable encryption scheme to achieve the correctness of the query results in the cloud storage environment verify. Firstly, we using the Shamir-secret sharing technology, the encrypted data is stored on each independent server to construct a multi-cloud server model to realize the secure distributed storage and efficient query of data. Secondly, combined with game theory, a game tree of query server and verification server is constructed to ensure honesty while being efficient, and solve the problem of difficulty in returning search results to verify under the multi-cloud server model. Finally, security analysis and experimental analysis show that this solution effectively protects data privacy while significantly reducing retrieval time.

Stevens, Clay, Soundy, Jared, Chan, Hau.  2021.  Exploring the Efficiency of Self-Organizing Software Teams with Game Theory. 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSE-NIER). :36–40.
Over the last two decades, software development has moved away from centralized, plan-based management toward agile methodologies such as Scrum. Agile methodologies are founded on a shared set of core principles, including self-organizing software development teams. Such teams are promoted as a way to increase both developer productivity and team morale, which is echoed by academic research. However, recent works on agile neglect to consider strategic behavior among developers, particularly during task assignment-one of the primary functions of a self-organizing team. This paper argues that self-organizing software teams could be readily modeled using game theory, providing insight into how agile developers may act when behaving strategically. We support our argument by presenting a general model for self-assignment of development tasks based on and extending concepts drawn from established game theory research. We further introduce the software engineering community to two metrics drawn from game theory-the price-of-stability and price-of-anarchy-which can be used to gauge the efficiencies of self-organizing teams compared to centralized management. We demonstrate how these metrics can be used in a case study evaluating the hypothesis that smaller teams self-organize more efficiently than larger teams, with conditional support for that hypothesis. Our game-theoretic framework provides new perspective for the software engineering community, opening many avenues for future research.