Visible to the public Mathematical Models of Acoustic Wave Scattering by a Finite Flat Impedance Strip Grating

TitleMathematical Models of Acoustic Wave Scattering by a Finite Flat Impedance Strip Grating
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKoshovy, G. I.
Conference Name2018 XXIIIrd International Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED)
Date Publishedsep
Keywordsacoustic coupling, acoustic plane wave scattering, acoustic wave, acoustic wave scattering, acoustic waves, asymptotic solution, boundary-value problems, coupled integral equations, diffraction gratings, electromagnetic wave scattering, explicit asymptotic solution, finite flat impedance strip grating, Gratings, Human Behavior, Impedance, integral equation, integral equations, Kernel, Mathematical model, mathematical models, narrow impedance strips, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, Scattering, Strips, two-dimensional boundary-value problem
AbstractAnalysis of acoustic wave scattering by a finite flat impedance strip grating is presented. The associated two-dimensional (2-D) boundary-value problem is considered in the full-wave manner and cast to a set of coupled integral equations. Based on them, we build several mathematical models. The focus of research is on the acoustic plane wave scattering by a grating of narrow impedance strips that has explicit asymptotic solution.
Citation Keykoshovy_mathematical_2018