Visible to the public A Convolutional Neural Network Based Classifier for Uncompressed Malware Samples

TitleA Convolutional Neural Network Based Classifier for Uncompressed Malware Samples
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsYang, Chun, Wen, Yu, Guo, Jianbin, Song, Haitao, Li, Linfeng, Che, Haoyang, Meng, Dan
Conference NameProceedings of the 1st Workshop on Security-Oriented Designs of Computer Architectures and Processors
Date PublishedJanuary 2018
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5991-7
KeywordsArtificial neural networks, Collaboration, convolutional neural networks (cnns), cyber physical systems, deep learning (dl), malware classification, Metrics, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Resiliency, tensorflow framework, uncompressed gray-scale images

This paper proposes a deep learning based method for efficient malware classification. Specially, we convert the malware classification problem into the image classification problem, which can be addressed through leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs). For many malware families, the images belonging to the same family have similar contours and textures, so we convert the Binary files of malware samples to uncompressed gray-scale images which possess complete information of the original malware without artificial feature extraction. We then design classifier based on Tensorflow framework of Google by combining the deep learning (DL) and malware detection technology. Experimental results show that the uncompressed gray-scale images of the malware are relatively easy to distinguish and the CNN based classifier can achieve a high success rate of 98.2%

Citation Keyyang_convolutional_2018