Visible to the public Federated Byzantine Agreement to Ensure Trustworthiness of Digital Manufacturing Platforms

TitleFederated Byzantine Agreement to Ensure Trustworthiness of Digital Manufacturing Platforms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsInnerbichler, Johannes, Damjanovic-Behrendt, Violeta
Conference NameProceedings of the 1st Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems
Conference LocationNew York, NY, USA
ISBN Number978-1-4503-5838-5
Keywordscomposability, consensus protocol, cyber physical systems, Distributed Ledger Technology, Federated Byzantine Agreement, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, trustworthiness, Trustworthy Systems

In this paper, we explore the use of the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) and its Federated Byzantine Agreement (FBA) algorithm for ensuring trust and reputation between federated, cloud-based platform instances (nodes) and their participants. Our approach is grounded on federated consensus mechanisms, which promise data quality managed through computational trust and data replication, without a centralized authority. We perform our experimentation on the ground of the NIMBLE cloud manufacturing platform, which is designed to support growth of B2B digital manufacturing communities and their businesses through federated platform services, managed by peer-to-peer networks. We discuss the message exchange flow between the NIMBLE application logic and Stellar consensus logic.

Citation Keyinnerbichler_federated_2018