Visible to the public Novel Sybil Defense Scheme for Peer–to–peer Applications

TitleNovel Sybil Defense Scheme for Peer–to–peer Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsShamieh, F., Alharbi, R.
Conference Name2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC)
Date Publishedapr
Keywordscomponent, composability, computer network security, data availability, Licenses, logically connected hosts, malicious data, Metrics, overlay networks, P2P, peer, peer to peer security, Peer-to-peer computing, peer-to-peer network overlays, peer–, proactive, pubcrawl, radio frequency allocation incensing, Resource management, Servers, simulation, Social network services, Sybil attack, sybil attacks, sybil defense scheme, sybil nodes, to–, trusted nodes

The importance of peer-to-peer (P2P) network overlays produced enormous interest in the research community due to their robustness, scalability, and increase of data availability. P2P networks are overlays of logically connected hosts and other nodes including servers. P2P networks allow users to share their files without the need for any centralized servers. Since P2P networks are largely constructed of end-hosts, they are susceptible to abuse and malicious activity, such as sybil attacks. Impostors perform sybil attacks by assigning nodes multiple addresses, as opposed to a single address, with the goal of degrading network quality. Sybil nodes will spread malicious data and provide bogus responses to requests. To prevent sybil attacks from occurring, a novel defense mechanism is proposed. In the proposed scheme, the DHT key-space is divided and treated in a similar manner to radio frequency allocation incensing. An overlay of trusted nodes is used to detect and handle sybil nodes with the aid of source-destination pairs reporting on each other. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme detects sybil nodes in large sized networks with thousands of interactions.

Citation Keyshamieh_novel_2018