Visible to the public AR Navigation Solution Using Vector Tiles

TitleAR Navigation Solution Using Vector Tiles
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsRustagi, Taru, Yoo, Kyungjin
Conference NameProceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology
ISBN Number978-1-4503-6086-9
Keywordsaugmented reality, Human Behavior, indoor navigation, privacy, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, tilesets

This study discusses the results and findings of an augmented reality navigation app that was created using vector data uploaded to an online mapping software for indoor navigation. The main objective of this research is to determine the current issues with a solution of indoor navigation that relies on the use of GPS signals, as these signals are sparse in buildings. The data was uploaded in the form of GeoJSON files to MapBox which relayed the data to the app using an API in the form of Tilesets. The application converted the tilesets to a miniaturized map and calculated the navigation path, and then overlaid that navigation line onto the floor via the camera. Once the project setup was completed, multiple navigation paths have been tested numerous times between the different sync points and destination rooms. At the end, their accuracy, ease of access and several other factors, along with their issues, were recorded. The testing revealed that the navigation system was not only accurate despite the lack of GPS signal, but it also detected the device motion precisely. Furthermore, the navigation system did not take much time to generate the navigation path, as the app processed the data tile by tile. The application was also able to accurately measure the ground plane along with the walls, perfectly overlaying the navigation line. However, a few observations indicated various factors affected the accuracy of the navigation, and testing revealed areas where major improvements can be made to improve both accuracy and ease of access.

Citation Keyrustagi_ar_2018