de Atocha Sosa Jiménez, Eduardo Joel, Aguilar Vera, Raúl A., López Martínez, José Luis, Díaz Mendoza, Julio C..
Methodological Proposal for the development of Computerized Educational Materials based on Augmented Reality. 2021 Mexican International Conference on Computer Science (ENC). :1—6.
This article describes a research work in progress, in which a methodology for the development of computerized educational materials based on augmented reality is proposed. The development of the proposal is preceded by a systematic review of the literature in which the convenience of having a methodology that assists teachers and developers interested in the development of educational materials related to augmented reality technology is concluded. The proposed methodology consists of four stages: (1) initiation, (2) design of the learning scenario, (3) implementation and (4) evaluation, as well as specific elements that must be considered in each of them for their correct fulfillment. Finally, the article briefly describes the validation strategy designed to evaluate this methodological proposal.
Santoso, Dylan Juliano, Angga, William Silvano, Silvano, Frederick, Anjaya, Hanzel Edgar Samudera, Maulana, Fairuz Iqbal, Ramadhani, Mirza.
Traditional Mask Augmented Reality Application. 2021 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech). 1:595—598.
The industrial revolution 4.0 has become a challenge for various sectors in mastering information technology, one of which is the arts and culture sector. Cultural arts that are quite widely spread and developed in Indonesia are traditional masks. Traditional masks are one of the oldest and most beautiful cultures in Indonesia. However, with the development of the era to the digital world in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, this beloved culture is fading due to the entry of foreign cultures and technological developments. Many young people who succeed the nation do not understand this cultural art, namely traditional masks. So those cultural arts such as traditional masks can still keep up with the development of digital technology in industry 4.0, we conduct research to use technology to preserve this traditional mask culture. The research uses the ADDIE method starting with Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. We took some examples of traditional masks such as Malangan masks, Cirebon masks, and Panji masks from several regions in Indonesia. This research implements marker-based Augmented reality technology and makes a traditional mask book that can be a means of augmented reality.
Sureshkumar, S, Agash, C P, Ramya, S, Kaviyaraj, R, Elanchezhiyan, S.
Augmented Reality with Internet of Things. 2021 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS). :1426—1430.
Today technological changes make the probability of more complex things made into simple tasks with more accuracy in major areas and mostly in Manufacturing Industry. Internet of things contributes its major part in automation which helps human to make life easy by monitoring and directed to a related person with in a fraction of second. Continuous advances and improvement in computer vision, mobile computing and tablet screens have led to a revived interest in Augmented Reality the Augmented Reality makes the complex automation into an easier task by making more realistic real time animation in monitoring and automation on Internet of Things (eg like temperature, time, object information, installation manual, real time testing).In order to identify and link the augmented content, like object control of home appliances, industrial appliances. The AR-IoT will have a much cozier atmosphere and enhance the overall Interactivity of the IoT environment. Augmented Reality applications use a myriad of data generated by IoT devices and components, AR helps workers become more competitive and productive with the realistic environment in IoT. Augmented Reality and Internet of Things together plays a critical role in the development of next generation technologies. This paper describes the concept of how Augmented Reality can be integrated with industry(AR-IoT)4.0 and how the sensors are used to monitoring objects/things contiguously round the clock, and make the process of converting real-time physical objects into smart things for the upcoming new era with AR-IoT.
Kozlova, Liudmila P., Kozlova, Olga A..
Expanding Space with Augmented Reality. 2021 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ElConRus). :965—967.
Replacing real life with the virtual space has long ceased to be a theory. Among the whole variety of visualization, systems that allow projecting non-existent objects into real-world space are especially distinguished. Thus, augmented reality technology has found its application in many different fields. The article discusses the general concepts and principles of building augmented reality systems.
Wynn, Nathan, Johnsen, Kyle, Gonzalez, Nick.
Deepfake Portraits in Augmented Reality for Museum Exhibits. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct). :513—514.
In a collaboration with the Georgia Peanut Commission’s Education Center and museum in Georgia, USA, we developed an augmented reality app to guide visitors through the museum and offer immersive educational information about the artifacts, exhibits, and artwork displayed therein. Notably, our augmented reality system applies the First Order Motion Model for Image Animation to several portraits of individuals influential to the Georgia peanut industry to provide immersive animated narration and monologue regarding their contributions to the peanut industry. [4]
Meyer, Fabian, Gehrke, Christian, Schäfer, Michael.
Evaluating User Acceptance using WebXR for an Augmented Reality Information System. 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). :418—419.
Augmented Reality has a long history and has seen major technical advantages in the last years. With WebXR, a new web standard, Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) applications are now available in the web browser. With our work, we implemented an Augmented Reality Information System and conducted a case study to evaluate the user acceptance of such an application build with WebXR. Our results indicate that the user acceptance regarding web-based MAR applications for our specific use case seems to be given. With our proposed architecture we also lay the foundation for other AR information systems.
Lu, Lu, Duan, Pengshuai, Shen, Xukun, Zhang, Shijin, Feng, Huiyan, Flu, Yong.
Gaze-Pinch Menu: Performing Multiple Interactions Concurrently in Mixed Reality. 2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW). :536—537.
Performing an interaction using gaze and pinch has been certified as an efficient interactive method in Mixed Reality, for such techniques can provide users concise and natural experiences. However, executing a task with individual interactions gradually is inefficient in some application scenarios. In this paper, we propose the Hand-Pinch Menu, which core concept is to reduce unnecessary operations by combining several interactions. Users can continuously perform multiple interactions on a selected object concurrently without changing gestures by using this technique. The user study results show that our Gaze-Pinch Menu can improve operational efficiency effectively.
Azevedo, João, Faria, Pedro, Romero, Luís.
Framework for Creating Outdoors Augmented and Virtual Reality. 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). :1—6.
In this article we propose the architecture of a system in which its central objective is focused on creating a complete framework for creating outdoor environments of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) allowing its users to digitize reality for hypermedia format. Subsequently, there will be an internal process with the objective of merging / grouping these 3D models, thus enabling clear and intuitive navigation within infinite virtual realities (based on the captured real world). In this way, the user is able to create points of interest within their parallel realities, being able to navigate and traverse their new worlds through these points.
Gonsher, Ian, Lei, Zhenhong.
Prototype of Force Feedback Tool for Mixed Reality Applications. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct (ISMAR-Adjunct). :508—509.
This prototype demonstrates the viability of manipulating both physical and virtual objects with the same tool in order to maintain object permanence across both modes of interaction. Using oppositional force feedback, provided by a servo, and an augmented visual interface, provided by the user’s smartphone, this tool simulates the look and feel of a physical object within an augmented environment. Additionally, the tool is also able to manipulate physical objects that are not part of the augmented reality, such as a physical nut. By integrating both modes of interaction into the same tool, users can fluidly move between these different modes of interaction, manipulating both physical and virtual objects as the need arises. By overlaying this kind of visual and haptic augmentation onto a common tool such as a pair of pliers, we hope to further explore scenarios for collaborative telepresence in future work.
Shaikh, Fiza Saifan.
Augmented Reality Search to Improve Searching Using Augmented Reality. 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1—5.
In the current scenario we are facing the issue of real view which is object deal with image or in virtual world for such kind of difficulties the Augmented Reality has came into existence (AR). This paper deal with Augmented Reality Search (ARS). In this Augmented Reality Search (ARS) just user have to make the voice command and the Augmented Reality Search (ARS) will provide you real view of that object. Consider real world scenario where a student searched for NIT Bangalore then it will show the real view of that campus.