Visible to the public Insider Threat Cybersecurity Framework Webtool Methodology: Defending Against Complex Cyber-Physical Threats

TitleInsider Threat Cybersecurity Framework Webtool Methodology: Defending Against Complex Cyber-Physical Threats
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsMylrea, M., Gourisetti, S. N. G., Larimer, C., Noonan, C.
Conference Name2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-8276-0
KeywordsBars, complex cyber-physical threats, computer security, critical organizational cybersecurity questions, cybersecurity framework, cybersecurity methodology, cybersecurity web tool, Data visualization, dynamic defense-in-depth security posture, high-profile insider threat incidents, Human Behavior, insider attacks, insider threat, Insider Threat Cybersecurity Framework webtool, insider threat cybersecurity posture, insider threat self-assessment, Metrics, Organizations, pubcrawl, resilience, security of data, Standards organizations, Tools, vulnerability assessment

This paper demonstrates how the Insider Threat Cybersecurity Framework (ITCF) web tool and methodology help provide a more dynamic, defense-in-depth security posture against insider cyber and cyber-physical threats. ITCF includes over 30 cybersecurity best practices to help organizations identify, protect, detect, respond and recover to sophisticated insider threats and vulnerabilities. The paper tests the efficacy of this approach and helps validate and verify ITCF's capabilities and features through various insider attacks use-cases. Two case-studies were explored to determine how organizations can leverage ITCF to increase their overall security posture against insider attacks. The paper also highlights how ITCF facilitates implementation of the goals outlined in two Presidential Executive Orders to improve the security of classified information and help owners and operators secure critical infrastructure. In realization of these goals, ITCF: provides an easy to use rapid assessment tool to perform an insider threat self-assessment; determines the current insider threat cybersecurity posture; defines investment-based goals to achieve a target state; connects the cybersecurity posture with business processes, functions, and continuity; and finally, helps develop plans to answer critical organizational cybersecurity questions. In this paper, the webtool and its core capabilities are tested by performing an extensive comparative assessment over two different high-profile insider threat incidents.

Citation Keymylrea_insider_2018