Visible to the public The seven deadly myths of" autonomous systems"Conflict Detection Enabled

TitleThe seven deadly myths of" autonomous systems"
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsBradshaw, Jeffrey M, Hoffman, Robert R, Woods, David D, Johnson, Matthew
JournalIEEE Intelligent Systems
Keywordsautonomous systems, C3E 2019, context awareness, human computer interaction, Human Machine Teaming, human-centered computing, Intelligent systems, Man machine systems, Resource management, Teamwork, Theory of Minds

As designers conceive and implement what are commonly (but mistakenly) called autonomous systems, they adhere to certain myths of autonomy that are not only damaging in their own right, but also by their continued propagation. This article busts such myths and gives reasons why each of these myths should be called out and cast aside.

Citation Keybradshaw2013seven