Visible to the public Outsourced Private Function Evaluation with Privacy Policy Enforcement

TitleOutsourced Private Function Evaluation with Privacy Policy Enforcement
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKunihiro, Noboru, Lu, Wen-jie, Nishide, Takashi, Sakuma, Jun
Conference Name2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE)
Keywordsattribute-based encryption, client policy, cloud computing, cryptography, data contributor, data privacy, drugs, Encryption, evaluator policy, genetic epidemiology, Genetics, homomorphic encryption, hospitals, Human Behavior, learning (artificial intelligence), machine learning, OPFE-PPE, outsourced private function evaluation, outsourcing, personalized medication, Policy Oblivious Encryption, privacy, Privacy Policies, privacy policy enforcement, private data, Private Function Evaluation, pubcrawl, Scalability
AbstractWe propose a novel framework for outsourced private function evaluation with privacy policy enforcement (OPFE-PPE). Suppose an evaluator evaluates a function with private data contributed by a data contributor, and a client obtains the result of the evaluation. OPFE-PPE enables a data contributor to enforce two different kinds of privacy policies to the process of function evaluation: evaluator policy and client policy. An evaluator policy restricts entities that can conduct function evaluation with the data. A client policy restricts entities that can obtain the result of function evaluation. We demonstrate our construction with three applications: personalized medication, genetic epidemiology, and prediction by machine learning. Experimental results show that the overhead caused by enforcing the two privacy policies is less than 10% compared to function evaluation by homomorphic encryption without any privacy policy enforcement.
Citation Keykunihiro_outsourced_2018