Kumar, A Vijaya, Bhavana, Kollipara, Yamini, Cheedella.
Fully Homomorphic Encryption for Data Security Over Cloud. 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology. :782—787.
From the past few years cloud services are so popular and are being used by many people from various domains for various purposes such as data storage, e-mails, backing up data and much more. While there were many options to perform such things why did people choose cloud? The answer is clouds are more flexible, convenient, reliable and efficient. Coming to security of data over cloud, it is secure to store data over cloud rather than storing data locally as there is chance of some computer breakdown or any natural disaster may also occur. There are also many threats for data security over cloud namely data breaching, lack of access-key management and much more. As the data has been processed and being stored online for various purposes, there is a clear requirement for data security. Many organizations face various challenges while storing their data over cloud such as data leakages, account hijacking, insufficient credentials and so on. So to overcome these challenges and safeguard the data, various encryption techniques were implemented. However, even though encryption is used, the data still needs to be decrypted in order to do any type of operation. As a result, we must choose a manner in which the data can be analyzed, searched for, or used in any other way without needing to be decoded. So, the objective is to introduce a technique that goes right for the above conditions mentioned and for data security over cloud.
Suwandi, Rifki, Wuryandari, Aciek Ida.
A Safe Approach to Sensitive Dropout Data Collection Systems by Utilizing Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 International Symposium on Information Technology and Digital Innovation (ISITDI). :168—171.
The student's fault is not the only cause of dropping out of school. Often, cases of dropping out of school are only associated with too general problems. However, sensitive issues that can be detrimental to certain parties in this regard, such as the institution's reputation, are usually not made public. To overcome this, an in-depth analysis of these cases is needed for proper handling. Many risks are associated with creating a single repository for this sensitive information. Therefore, some encryption is required to ensure data is not leaked. However, encryption at rest and in transit is insufficient as data leakage is a considerable risk during processing. In addition, there is also a risk of abuse of authority by insiders so that no single entity is allowed to have access to all data. Homomorphic encryption presents a viable solution to this challenge. Data may be aggregated under the security provided by Homomorphic Encryption. This method makes the data available for computation without being decrypted first and without paying the risk of having a single repository.
Choi, Seongbong, Lee, Hyung Tae.
Known Plaintext Attacks on the Omar and abed Homomorphic Encryption Scheme. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1154—1157.
In 2020, Omar and abed proposed a new noise-free fully homomorphic encryption scheme that allows arbitrary computations on encrypted data without decryption. However, they did not provide a sufficient security analysis of the proposed scheme and just stated that it is secure under the integer factorization assumption. In this paper, we present known plaintext attacks on their scheme and illustrate them with toy examples. Our attack algorithms are quite simple: They require several times of greatest common divisor (GCD) computations using only a few pair of message and ciphertext.
Wang, Jing, Wu, Fengheng, Zhang, Tingbo, Wu, Xiaohua.
DPP: Data Privacy-Preserving for Cloud Computing based on Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :29—32.
Cloud computing has been widely used because of its low price, high reliability, and generality of services. However, considering that cloud computing transactions between users and service providers are usually asynchronous, data privacy involving users and service providers may lead to a crisis of trust, which in turn hinders the expansion of cloud computing applications. In this paper, we propose DPP, a data privacy-preserving cloud computing scheme based on homomorphic encryption, which achieves correctness, compatibility, and security. DPP implements data privacy-preserving by introducing homomorphic encryption. To verify the security of DPP, we instantiate DPP based on the Paillier homomorphic encryption scheme and evaluate the performance. The experiment results show that the time-consuming of the key steps in the DPP scheme is reasonable and acceptable.
Reddy, H Manohar, P C, Sajimon, Sankaran, Sriram.
On the Feasibility of Homomorphic Encryption for Internet of Things. 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :1—6.
Homomorphic encryption (HE) facilitates computing over encrypted data without using the secret keys. It is currently inefficient for practical implementation on the Internet of Things (IoT). However, the performance of these HE schemes may increase with optimized libraries and hardware capabilities. Thus, implementing and analyzing HE schemes and protocols on resource-constrained devices is essential to deriving optimized and secure schemes. This paper develops an energy profiling framework for homomorphic encryption on IoT devices. In particular, we analyze energy consumption and performance such as CPU and Memory utilization and execution time of numerous HE schemes using SEAL and HElib libraries on the Raspberry Pi 4 hardware platform and study energy-performance-security trade-offs. Our analysis reveals that HE schemes can incur a maximum of 70.07% in terms of energy consumption among the libraries. Finally, we provide guidelines for optimization of Homomorphic Encryption by leveraging multi-threading and edge computing capabilities for IoT applications. The insights obtained from this study can be used to develop secure and resource-constrained implementation of Homomorphic encryption depending on the needs of IoT applications.
Zhang, Jie.
Design of Portable Sensor Data Storage System Based on Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm. 2022 International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Communication Systems (ICKES). :1—4.
With the development of sensor technology, people put forward a higher level, more diversified demand for portable rangefinders. However, its data storage method has not been developed in a large scale and breakthrough. This paper studies the design of portable sensor data storage system based on homomorphic encryption algorithm, which aims to maintain the security of sensor data storage through homomorphic encryption algorithm. This paper analyzes the functional requirements of the sensor data storage system, puts forward the overall design scheme of the system, and explains in detail the requirements and indicators for the specific realization of each part of the function. Analyze the different technical resources currently used in the storage system field, and dig deep into the key technologies that match the portable sensor data storage system. This paper has changed the problem of cumbersome operation steps and inconvenient data recovery in the sensor data storage system. This paper mainly uses the method of control variables and data comparison to carry out the experiment. The experimental results show that the success rate of the sensor data storage system under the homomorphic encryption algorithm is infinitely close to 100% as the number of data blocks increases.
Kosieradzki, Shane, Qiu, Yingxin, Kogiso, Kiminao, Ueda, Jun.
Rewrite Rules for Automated Depth Reduction of Encrypted Control Expressions with Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM). :804—809.
This paper presents topological sorting methods to minimize the multiplicative depth of encrypted arithmetic expressions. The research aims to increase compatibility between nonlinear dynamic control schemes and homomorphic encryption methods, which are known to be limited by the quantity of multiplicative operations. The proposed method adapts rewrite rules originally developed for encrypted binary circuits to depth manipulation of arithmetic circuits. The paper further introduces methods to normalize circuit paths that have incompatible depth. Finally, the paper provides benchmarks demonstrating the improved depth in encrypted computed torque control of a dynamic manipulator and discusses how achieved improvements translate to increased cybersecurity.
Biswas, Ankur, Karan, Ashish, Nigam, Nidhi, Doreswamy, Hema, Sadykanova, Serikkhan, Rauliyevna, Mangazina Zhanel.
Implementation of Cyber Security for Enabling Data Protection Analysis and Data Protection using Robot Key Homomorphic Encryption. 2022 Sixth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :170—174.
Cloud computing plays major role in the development of accessing clouduser’s document and sensitive information stored. It has variety of content and representation. Cyber security and attacks in the cloud is a challenging aspect. Information security attains a vital part in Cyber Security management. It involves actions intended to reduce the adverse impacts of such incidents. To access the documents stored in cloud safely and securely, access control will be introduced based on cloud users to access the user’s document in the cloud. To achieve this, it is highly required to combine security components (e.g., Access Control, Usage Control) in the security document to get automatic information. This research work has proposed a Role Key Homomorphic Encryption Algorithm (RKHEA) to monitor the cloud users, who access the services continuously. This method provides access creation of session-based key to store the singularized encryption to reduce the key size from random methods to occupy memory space. It has some terms and conditions to be followed by the cloud users and also has encryption method to secure the document content. Hence the documents are encrypted with the RKHEA algorithm based on Service Key Access (SKA). Then, the encrypted key will be created based on access control conditions. The proposed analytics result shows an enhanced control over the documents in cloud and improved security performance.
Temirbekova, Zhanerke, Pyrkova, Anna, Abdiakhmetova, Zukhra, Berdaly, Aidana.
Library of Fully Homomorphic Encryption on a Microcontroller. 2022 International Conference on Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST). :1—5.
Fully homomorphic encryption technologies allow you to operate on encrypted data without disclosing it, therefore they have a lot of potential for solving personal data storage and processing issues. Because of the increased interest in these technologies, various software tools and libraries that allow completely homomorphic encryption have emerged. However, because this subject of cryptography is still in its early stages, standards and recommendations for the usage of completely homomorphic encryption algorithms are still being developed. The paper presents the main areas of application of homomorphic encryption. The analysis of existing developments in the field of homomorphic encryption is carried out. The analysis showed that existing library implementations do not support the division and subtraction operation. The analysis revealed the need to develop a library of fully homomorphic encryption, which allows performing all mathematical operations on them (addition, difference, multiplication and division), as well as the relevance of developing its own implementation of a library of homomorphic encryption on integers. Then, implement the development of a fully homomorphic encryption library in C++ and on an ESP 32 microcontroller. The ability to perform four operations (addition, difference, multiplication and division) on encrypted data will expand the scope of application of homomorphic encryption. A method of homomorphic division and subtraction is proposed that allows performing the division and subtraction operation on homomorphically encrypted data. The level of security, the types of operations executed, the maximum length of operands, and the algorithm's running time are all described as a consequence of numerical experimentation with parameters.
Tsuruta, Takuya, Araki, Shunsuke, Miyazaki, Takeru, Uehara, Satoshi, Kakizaki, Ken'ichi.
A Study on a DDH-Based Keyed Homomorphic Encryption Suitable to Machine Learning in the Cloud. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan. :167—168.
Homomorphic encryption is suitable for a machine learning in the cloud such as a privacy-preserving machine learning. However, ordinary homomorphic public key encryption has a problem that public key holders can generate ciphertexts and anyone can execute homomorphic operations. In this paper, we will propose a solution based on the Keyed Homomorphic-Public Key Encryption proposed by Emura et al.