Visible to the public Double Encryption Using TEA and DNA

TitleDouble Encryption Using TEA and DNA
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsP.G., Swathi, Rajesh, Sreeja
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordsactive and passive attacks, active attacks, Ciphers, cryptographic algorithms, cryptography, data intruders, Data security, Data Transmission, decryption time, digital signatures, DNA, Double encryption, Encryption, Human Behavior, Information security, Metrics, passive attacks, privacy, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, secure network communication, TEA
AbstractInformation security has become a major challenge in data transmission. Data transmitted through the network is vulnerable to many passive and active attacks. Cryptographic algorithms provide security against the data intruders and provide secure network communication. In this method, two algorithms TEA and DNA are combined to form a new algorithm called DETD (Double Encryption using TEA and DNA). The algorithm mainly deals with encryption and decryption time of a given input text. Here, both the encryption and decryption time are compared with the other two algorithms and the results are recorded. This algorithm also aims to provide data security by increasing the levels of encryption.
Citation Keyp.g._double_2018