Visible to the public Analysis of Identity Management Systems Using Blockchain Technology

TitleAnalysis of Identity Management Systems Using Blockchain Technology
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHaddouti, Samia El, Ech-Cherif El Kettani, M. Dafir
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet)
Keywordsauthorisation, Biological system modeling, blockchain, blockchain infrastructures, blockchain technology, cryptography, data privacy, Digital identity, Distributed databases, Human Behavior, Identity management, identity management systems, Internet, Peer-to-peer computing, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Scalability, security challenges, Self-Sovereign Identity, ShoCard, Sovrin, uPort, user control
AbstractThe emergence of Blockchain technology as the biggest innovations of the 21stcentury, has given rise to new concepts of Identity Management to deal with the privacy and security challenges on the one hand, and to enhance the decentralization and user control in transactions on Blockchain infrastructures on the other hand. This paper investigates and gives analysis of the most popular Identity Management Systems using Blockchain: uPort, Sovrin, and ShoCard. It then evaluates them under a set of features of digital identity that characterizes the successful of an Identity Management solution. The result of the comparative analysis is presented in a concise way to allow readers to find out easily which systems satisfy what requirements in order to select the appropriate one to fit into a specific scenario.
Citation Keyhaddouti_analysis_2019