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Saragih, Taruly Karlina, Tanuwijaya, Eric, Wang, Gunawan.  2022.  The Use of Blockchain for Digital Identity Management in Healthcare. 2022 10th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM). :1—6.
Digitalization has occurred in almost all industries, one of them is health industry. Patients” medical records are now easier to be accessed and managed as all related data are stored in data storages or repositories. However, this system is still under development as number of patients still increasing. Lack of standardization might lead to patients losing their right to control their own data. Therefore, implementing private blockchain system with Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) concept for identity management in health industry is a viable notion. With SSI, the patients will be benefited from having control over their own medical records and stored with higher security protocol. While healthcare providers will benefit in Know You Customer (KYC) process, if they handle new patients, who move from other healthcare providers. It will eliminate and shorten the process of updating patients' medical records from previous healthcare providers. Therefore, we suggest several flows in implementing blockchain for digital identity in healthcare industry to help overcome lack of patient's data control and KYC in current system. Nevertheless, implementing blockchain on health industry requires full attention from surrounding system and stakeholders to be realized.
Otta, Soumya Prakash, Panda, Subhrakanta, Hota, Chittaranjan.  2022.  Identity Management with Blockchain : Indian Migrant Workers Prospective. 2022 IEEE Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Technology and Management for Social Innovation (IATMSI). :1—6.
The agricultural sector and other Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in India operate with more than 90% migrant workers searching for better employment opportunities far away from their native places. However, inherent challenges are far more for the migrant workers, most prominently their Identity. To the best of our knowledge, available literature lacks a comprehensive study on identity management components for user privacy and data protection mechanisms in identity management architecture. Self-Sovereign Identity is regarded as a new evolution in digital identity management systems. Blockchain technology and distributed ledgers bring us closer to realizing an ideal Self-Sovereign Identity system. This paper proposes a novel solution to address identity issues being faced by migrant workers. It also gives a holistic, coherent, and mutually beneficial Identity Management Solution for the migrant workforce in the Indian perspective towards e-Governance and Digital India.
Bandara, Eranga, Liang, Xueping, Foytik, Peter, Shetty, Sachin, Zoysa, Kasun De.  2021.  A Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity Empowered Digital Identity Platform. 2021 International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN). :1–7.
Most of the existing identity systems are built on top of centralized storage systems. Storing identity data on these types of centralized storage platforms(e.g cloud storage, central servers) becomes a major privacy concern since various types of attacks and data breaches can happen. With this research, we are proposing blockchain and self-sovereign identity based digital identity (KYC - Know Your Customer) platform “Casper” to address the issues on centralized identity systems. “Casper ” is an Android/iOS based mobile identity wallet application that combines the integration of blockchain and a self-sovereign identity-based approach. Unlike centralized identity systems, the actual identities of the customer/users are stored in the customers’ mobile wallet application. The proof of these identities is stored in the blockchain-based decentralized storage as a self-sovereign identity proof. Casper platforms’ Self-Sovereign Identity(SSI)-based system provides a Zero Knowledge Proof(ZKP) mechanism to verify the identity information. Casper platform can be adopted in various domains such as healthcare, banking, government organization etc. As a use case, we have discussed building a digital identity wallet for banking customers with the Casper platform. Casper provides a secure, decentralized and ZKP verifiable identity by using blockchain and SSI based approach. It addresses the common issues in centralized/cloud-based identity systems platforms such as the lack of data immutability, lack of traceability, centralized control etc.
Stokkink, Quinten, Ishmaev, Georgy, Epema, Dick, Pouwelse, Johan.  2021.  A Truly Self-Sovereign Identity System. 2021 IEEE 46th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN). :1–8.
Existing digital identity management systems fail to deliver the desirable properties of control by the users of their own identity data, credibility of disclosed identity data, and network-level anonymity. The recently proposed Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) approach promises to give users these properties. However, we argue that without addressing privacy at the network level, SSI systems cannot deliver on this promise. In this paper we present the design and analysis of our solution TCID, created in collaboration with the Dutch government. TCID is a system consisting of a set of components that together satisfy seven functional requirements to guarantee the desirable system properties. We show that the latency incurred by network-level anonymization in TCID is significantly larger than that of identity data disclosure protocols but is still low enough for practical situations. We conclude that current research on SSI is too narrowly focused on these data disclosure protocols.
Naik, Nitin, Jenkins, Paul.  2021.  Sovrin Network for Decentralized Digital Identity: Analysing a Self-Sovereign Identity System Based on Distributed Ledger Technology. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1–7.
Digital identity is the key to the evolving digital society and economy. Since the inception of digital identity, numerous Identity Management (IDM) systems have been developed to manage digital identity depending on the requirements of the individual and that of organisations. This evolution of IDM systems has provided an incremental process leading to the granting of control of identity ownership and personal data to its user, thus producing an IDM which is more user-centric with enhanced security and privacy. A recently promising IDM known as Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) has the potential to provide this sovereignty to the identity owner. The Sovrin Network is an emerging SSI service utility enabling self-sovereign identity for all, therefore, its assessment has to be carefully considered with reference to its architecture, working, functionality, strengths and limitations. This paper presents an analysis of the Sovrin Network based on aforementioned features. Firstly, it presents the architecture and components of the Sovrin Network. Secondly, it illustrates the working of the Sovrin Network and performs a detailed analysis of its various functionalities and metrics. Finally, based on the detailed analysis, it presents the strengths and limitations of the Sovrin Network.
Bhattacharya, M. P., Zavarsky, P., Butakov, S..  2020.  Enhancing the Security and Privacy of Self-Sovereign Identities on Hyperledger Indy Blockchain. 2020 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC). :1—7.
Self-sovereign identities provide user autonomy and immutability to individual identities and full control to their identity owners. The immutability and control are possible by implementing identities in a decentralized manner on blockchains that are specially designed for identity operations such as Hyperledger Indy. As with any type of identity, self-sovereign identities too deal with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of the identity holders and comes with the usual risks of privacy and security. This study examined certain scenarios of personal data disclosure via credential exchanges between such identities and risks of man-in-the-middle attacks in the blockchain based identity system Hyperledger Indy. On the basis of the findings, the paper proposes the following enhancements: 1) A novel attribute sensitivity score model for self-sovereign identity agents to ascertain the sensitivity of attributes shared in credential exchanges 2) A method of mitigating man-in-the-middle attacks between peer self-sovereign identities and 3) A novel quantitative model for determining a credential issuer's reputation based on the number of issued credentials in a window period, which is then utilized to calculate an overall confidence level score for the issuer.
Gururaj, P..  2020.  Identity management using permissioned blockchain. 2020 International Conference on Mainstreaming Block Chain Implementation (ICOMBI). :1—3.

Authenticating a person's identity has always been a challenge. While attempts are being made by government agencies to address this challenge, the citizens are being exposed to a new age problem of Identity management. The sharing of photocopies of identity cards in order to prove our identity is a common sight. From score-card to Aadhar-card, the details of our identity has reached many unauthorized hands during the years. In India the identity thefts accounts for 77% [1] of the fraud cases, and the threats are trending. Programs like e-Residency by Estonia[2], Bitnation using Ethereum[3] are being devised for an efficient Identity Management. Even the US Home Land Security is funding a research with an objective of “Design information security and privacy concepts on the Blockchain to support identity management capabilities that increase security and productivity while decreasing costs and security risks for the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE).” [4] This paper will discuss the challenges specific to India around Identity Management, and the possible solution that the Distributed ledger, hashing algorithms and smart contracts can offer. The logic of hashing the personal data, and controlling the distribution of identity using public-private keys with Blockchain technology will be discussed in this paper.

Naik, N., Jenkins, P..  2020.  Governing Principles of Self-Sovereign Identity Applied to Blockchain Enabled Privacy Preserving Identity Management Systems. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1—6.

Digital identity is the key element of digital transformation in representing any real-world entity in the digital form. To ensure a successful digital future the requirement for an effective digital identity is paramount, especially as demand increases for digital services. Several Identity Management (IDM) systems are developed to cope with identity effectively, nonetheless, existing IDM systems have some limitations corresponding to identity and its management such as sovereignty, storage and access control, security, privacy and safeguarding, all of which require further improvement. Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is an emerging IDM system which incorporates several required features to ensure that identity is sovereign, secure, reliable and generic. It is an evolving IDM system, thus it is essential to analyse its various features to determine its effectiveness in coping with the dynamic requirements of identity and its current challenges. This paper proposes numerous governing principles of SSI to analyse any SSI ecosystem and its effectiveness. Later, based on the proposed governing principles of SSI, it performs a comparative analysis of the two most popular SSI ecosystems uPort and Sovrin to present their effectiveness and limitations.

Naik, N., Jenkins, P..  2020.  uPort Open-Source Identity Management System: An Assessment of Self-Sovereign Identity and User-Centric Data Platform Built on Blockchain. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Systems Engineering (ISSE). :1—7.

Managing identity across an ever-growing digital services landscape has become one of the most challenging tasks for security experts. Over the years, several Identity Management (IDM) systems were introduced and adopted to tackle with the growing demand of an identity. In this series, a recently emerging IDM system is Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) which offers greater control and access to users regarding their identity. This distinctive feature of the SSI IDM system represents a major development towards the availability of sovereign identity to users. uPort is an emerging open-source identity management system providing sovereign identity to users, organisations, and other entities. As an emerging identity management system, it requires meticulous analysis of its architecture, working, operational services, efficiency, advantages and limitations. Therefore, this paper contributes towards achieving all of these objectives. Firstly, it presents the architecture and working of the uPort identity management system. Secondly, it develops a Decentralized Application (DApp) to demonstrate and evaluate its operational services and efficiency. Finally, based on the developed DApp and experimental analysis, it presents the advantages and limitations of the uPort identity management system.

Soltani, Reza, Nguyen, Uyen Trang, An, Aijun.  2019.  Practical Key Recovery Model for Self-Sovereign Identity Based Digital Wallets. 2019 IEEE Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, Intl Conf on Cloud and Big Data Computing, Intl Conf on Cyber Science and Technology Congress (DASC/PiCom/CBDCom/CyberSciTech). :320–325.
Recent years have seen an increased interest in digital wallets for a multitude of use cases including online banking, cryptocurrency, and digital identity management. Digital wallets play a pivotal role in the secure management of cryptographic keys and credentials, and for providing certain identity management services. In this paper, we examine a proof-of-concept digital wallet in the context of Self-Sovereign Identity and provide a practical decentralized key recovery solution using Shamir's secret sharing scheme and Hyperledger Indy distributed ledger technology.
Haddouti, Samia El, Ech-Cherif El Kettani, M. Dafir.  2019.  Analysis of Identity Management Systems Using Blockchain Technology. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Communication Technologies and Networking (CommNet). :1–7.
The emergence of Blockchain technology as the biggest innovations of the 21stcentury, has given rise to new concepts of Identity Management to deal with the privacy and security challenges on the one hand, and to enhance the decentralization and user control in transactions on Blockchain infrastructures on the other hand. This paper investigates and gives analysis of the most popular Identity Management Systems using Blockchain: uPort, Sovrin, and ShoCard. It then evaluates them under a set of features of digital identity that characterizes the successful of an Identity Management solution. The result of the comparative analysis is presented in a concise way to allow readers to find out easily which systems satisfy what requirements in order to select the appropriate one to fit into a specific scenario.