Visible to the public System Analysis of Caching Requests on Network Computing Nodes

TitleSystem Analysis of Caching Requests on Network Computing Nodes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsPasyeka, Mykola, Sheketa, Vasyl, Pasieka, Nadiia, Chupakhina, Svitlana, Dronyuk, Ivanna
Conference Name2019 3rd International Conference on Advanced Information and Communications Technologies (AICT)
Date Publishedjul
Keywordscache storage, caching, caching requests, Distributed databases, distributed fail-safe Web systems, horizontal scaling, Internet, Load management, Load modeling, Loading, Metrics, netvork, network computing nodes, Nodes, planing of the systems, Program processors, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, system analysis, systems analysis, Task Analysis, vertical scaling, Web Caching

A systematic study of technologies and concepts used for the design and construction of distributed fail-safe web systems has been conducted. The general principles of the design of distributed web-systems and information technologies that are used in the design of web-systems are considered. As a result of scientific research, it became clear that data backup is a determining attribute of most web systems serving. Thus, the main role in building modern web systems is to scaling them. Scaling in distributed systems is used when performing a particular operation requires a large amount of computing resources. There are two scaling options, namely vertical and horizontal. Vertical scaling is to increase the performance of existing components in order to increase overall productivity. However, for the construction of distributed systems, use horizontal scaling. Horizontal scaling is that the system is split into small components and placed on various physical computers. This approach allows the addition of new nodes to increase the productivity of the web system as a whole.

Citation Keypasyeka_system_2019