Visible to the public AEH-MTD: Adaptive Moving Target Defense Scheme for SDN

TitleAEH-MTD: Adaptive Moving Target Defense Scheme for SDN
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLiu, Zhenpeng, He, Yupeng, Wang, Wensheng, Wang, Shuo, Li, Xiaofei, Zhang, Bin
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT)
Date Publishedaug
ISBN Number978-1-7281-3488-8
Keywordsactive network defense, adaptive hopping, adaptive moving target defense scheme, AEH-MTD, antiattack capability, computer network security, distributed denial of service attack, end information hopping, Entropy, flow rate method, Metrics, moving target defense, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, SDN security, software defined networking, software-defined networking, softwaredefined networking, source address entropy value

Distributed Denial of Service attack is very harmful to software-defined networking. Effective defense measures are the key to ensure SDN security. An adaptive moving target defense scheme based on end information hopping for SDN is proposed. The source address entropy value and the flow rate method are used to detect the network condition. According to the detection result, the end information is adjusted by time adaptive or space adaptive. A model of active network defense is constructed. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme enhances the anti-attack capability and serviceability compared with other methods, and has greater dynamics and flexibility.

Citation Keyliu_aeh-mtd_2019