Visible to the public Smart Grid Cyber Security and Substation Network Security

TitleSmart Grid Cyber Security and Substation Network Security
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsFarquharson, J., Wang, A., Howard, J.
Conference Name2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT)
ISBN Number978-1-4577-2159-5
Keywords(ASP-SG), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Advanced Security Acceleration Project for the Smart Grid, Automated Data Exchange (ADE), Collaboration, composability, computer security, consumer privacy, consumer privacy audits, cyber security controls, cyber vulnerability assessments, Data Minimization, data privacy, Data security, Demand Response and Smart Grid Coalition (DRSG), electric power infrastructure, Home Area Network (HAN), Human Behavior, human factors, IP Security (IPSec), Law, Metrics, NIST interoperability framework process, personnel training, policy-based governance, power system security, power system simulation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security architecture, smart grid cyber security, Smart Grid Privacy, smart grid-related data privacy, Smart grids, smart power grids, Standards, substation network security, substation protection, Substations, ZigBee Smart Energy

A successful Smart Grid system requires purpose-built security architecture which is explicitly designed to protect customer data confidentiality. In addition to the investment on electric power infrastructure for protecting the privacy of Smart Grid-related data, entities need to actively participate in the NIST interoperability framework process; establish policies and oversight structure for the enforcement of cyber security controls of the data through adoption of security best practices, personnel training, cyber vulnerability assessments, and consumer privacy audits.

Citation Keyfarquharson_smart_2012