Visible to the public Research on RFID Information Security Technology Based on Elliptic Curve Algorithms

TitleResearch on RFID Information Security Technology Based on Elliptic Curve Algorithms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsWang, Song, Zhang, Bo
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE)
Keywordselliptic curve algorithm, elliptic curve algorithms, Elliptic curve cryptography, Elliptic curves, Encryption, hardware conditions, Human Behavior, Mathematical model, potential security hazard, pubcrawl, public key cryptography, radiofrequency identification, Resiliency, RFID information security, RFID information security technology, RFID system, RFIDs, security mechanism, security problem, storage space, telecommunication security, traditional RSA public key cryptography
AbstractThe security problem of RFID system is a great potential security hazard in its application. Due to the limitation of hardware conditions, traditional public key cryptography can not be directly used in security mechanism. Compared with the traditional RSA public key cryptography, the elliptic curve cryptography has the advantages of shorter key, faster processing speed and smaller storage space, which is very suitable for use in the RFID system.
Citation Keywang_research_2019