The resistance to attacks aimed to break CAPTCHA challenges and the effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction of human users in solving them called usability are the two major concerns while designing CAPTCHA schemes. User-friendliness, universality, and accessibility are related dimensions of usability, which must also be addressed adequately. With recent advances in segmentation and optical character recognition techniques, complex distortions, degradations and transformations are added to text-based CAPTCHA challenges resulting in their reduced usability. The extent of these deformations can be decreased if some additional security mechanism is incorporated in such challenges. This paper proposes an additional security mechanism that can add an extra layer of protection to any text-based CAPTCHA challenge, making it more challenging for bots and scripts that might be used to attack websites and web applications. It proposes the use of hidden text-boxes for user entry of CAPTCHA string which serves as honeypots for bots and automated scripts. The honeypot technique is used to trick bots and automated scripts into filling up input fields which legitimate human users cannot fill in. The paper reports implementation of honeypot technique and results of tests carried out over three months during which form submissions were logged for analysis. The results demonstrated great effectiveness of honeypots technique to improve security control and usability of text-based CAPTCHA challenges.
A Robot Operating System (ROS) plays a significant role in organizing industrial robots for manufacturing. With an increasing number of the robots, the operators integrate a ROS with networked communication to share the data. This cyber-physical nature exposes the ROS to cyber attacks. To this end, this paper proposes a cross-layer approach to achieve secure and resilient control of a ROS. In the physical layer, due to the delay caused by the security mechanism, we design a time-delay controller for the ROS agent. In the cyber layer, we define cyber states and use Markov Decision Process to evaluate the tradeoffs between physical and security performance. Due to the uncertainty of the cyber state, we extend the MDP to a Partially Observed Markov Decision Process (POMDP). We propose a threshold solution based on our theoretical results. Finally, we present numerical examples to evaluate the performance of the secure and resilient mechanism.
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) consists of different configurations, where it deals with the dynamic nature of its creation and also it is a self-configurable type of a network. The primary task in this type of networks is to develop a mechanism for routing that gives a high QoS parameter because of the nature of ad-hoc network. The Ad-hoc-on-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) used here is the on-demand routing mechanism for the computation of the trust. The proposed approach uses the Artificial neural network (ANN) and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the discovery of the black hole attacks in the network. The results are carried out between the black hole AODV and the security mechanism provided by us as the Secure AODV (SAODV). The results were tested on different number of nodes, at last, it has been experimented for 100 nodes which provide an improvement in energy consumption of 54.72%, the throughput is 88.68kbps, packet delivery ratio is 92.91% and the E to E delay is of about 37.27ms.
In Cloud Computing Environment, using only static security measures didn't mitigate the attack considerably. Hence, deployment of sophisticated methods by the attackers to understand the network topology of complex network makes the task easier. For this reason, the use of dynamic security measure as virtual machine (VM) migration increases uncertainty to locate a virtual machine in a dynamic attack surface. Although this, not all VM's migration enhances security. Indeed, the destination server to host the VM should be selected precisely in order to avoid externality and attack at the same time. In this paper, we model migration in cloud environment by using continuous Markov Chain. Then, we analyze the probability of a VM to be compromised based on the destination server parameters. Finally, we provide some numerical results to show the effectiveness of our approach in term of avoiding intrusion.
Recently Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) has become an attractive solution that support vehicle's computing and storing service requests. This computing paradigm insures a reduced energy consumption and low traffic congestion. Additionally, VCC has emerged as a promising technology that provides a virtual platform for processing data using vehicles as infrastructures or centralized data servers. However, vehicles are deployed in open environments where they are vulnerable to various types of attacks. Furthermore, traditional cryptographic algorithms failed in insuring security once their keys compromised. In order to insure a secure vehicular platform, we introduce in this paper a new decoy technology DT and user behavior profiling (UBP) as an alternative solution to overcome data security, privacy and trust in vehicular cloud servers using a fog computing architecture. In the case of a malicious behavior, our mechanism shows a high efficiency by delivering decoy files in such a way making the intruder unable to differentiate between the original and decoy file.
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous collection of mobile nodes and communicate among them in their radio range. It is an infrastructure less, bandwidth constraint multi-hop wireless network. A various routing protocol is being evolved for MANET routing and also provide security mechanism to avoid security threads. Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), one of the popular reactive routing protocols for MANET, establishes path between source to destination before data communication take place using route request (RREQ) and route reply (RREP) control messages. Although in [1] authors propose to prevent route diversion due to a malicious node in the network using group Diffie-Hellman (GDH) key management applied over source address, but if any intermediate trusted node start to misbehave then there is no prevention mechanism. Here in this paper, we applied Hash function scheme over destination address to identify the misbehaving intermediate node that can provide wrong destination address. The path information towards the destination sent by the intermediate node through RREP is exactly for the intended required destination or not, here we can identified according to our proposed algorithm and pretend for further data transmission. Our proposed algorithm proves the authenticity of the destination and also prevent from misbehaving intermediate nodes.
Hierarchical based formation is one of the approaches widely used to minimize the energy consumption in which node with higher residual energy routes the data gathered. Several hierarchical works were proposed in the literature with two and three layered architectures. In the work presented in this paper, we propose an enhanced architecture for three layered hierarchical clustering based approach, which is referred to as enhanced three-layer hierarchical clustering approach (EHCA). The EHCA is based on an enhanced feature of the grid node in terms of its mobility. Further, in our proposed EHCA, we introduce distributed clustering technique for lower level head selection and incorporate security mechanism to detect the presence of any malicious node. We show by simulation results that our proposed EHCA reduces the energy consumption significantly and thus improves the lifetime of the network. Also, we highlight the appropriateness of the proposed EHCA for battlefield surveillance applications.
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are taking more attention from both the academia and the automotive industry due to a rapid development of wireless communication technologies. And with this development, vehicles called connected cars are increasingly being equipped with more sensors, processors, storages, and communication devices as they start to provide both infotainment and safety services through V2X communication. Such increase of vehicles is also related to the rise of security attacks and potential security threats. In a vehicular environment, security is one of the most important issues and it must be addressed before VANETs can be widely deployed. Conventional VANETs have some unique characteristics such as high mobility, dynamic topology, and a short connection time. Since an attacker can launch any unexpected attacks, it is difficult to predict these attacks in advance. To handle this problem, we propose collaborative security attack detection mechanism in a software-defined vehicular networks that uses multi-class support vector machine (SVM) to detect various types of attacks dynamically. We compare our security mechanism to existing distributed approach and present simulation results. The results demonstrate that the proposed security mechanism can effectively identify the types of attacks and achieve a good performance regarding high precision, recall, and accuracy.
The integration of physical systems with distributed embedded computing and communication devices offers advantages on reliability, efficiency, and maintenance. At the same time, these embedded computers are susceptible to cyber-attacks that can harm the performance of the physical system, or even drive the system to an unsafe state; therefore, it is necessary to deploy security mechanisms that are able to automatically detect, isolate, and respond to potential attacks. Detection and isolation mechanisms have been widely studied for different types of attacks; however, automatic response to attacks has attracted considerably less attention. Our goal in this paper is to identify trends and recent results on how to respond and reconfigure a system under attack, and to identify limitations and open problems. We have found two main types of attack protection: i) preventive, which identifies the vulnerabilities in a control system and then increases its resiliency by modifying either control parameters or the redundancy of devices; ii) reactive, which responds as soon as the attack is detected (e.g., modifying the non-compromised controller actions).
Revolution in the field of technology leads to the development of cloud computing which delivers on-demand and easy access to the large shared pools of online stored data, softwares and applications. It has changed the way of utilizing the IT resources but at the compromised cost of security breaches as well such as phishing attacks, impersonation, lack of confidentiality and integrity. Thus this research work deals with the core problem of providing absolute security to the mobile consumers of public cloud to improve the mobility of user's, accessing data stored on public cloud securely using tokens without depending upon the third party to generate them. This paper presents the approach of simplifying the process of authenticating and authorizing the mobile user's by implementing middleware-centric framework called MiLAMob model with the huge online data storage system i.e. HDFS. It allows the consumer's to access the data from HDFS via mobiles or through the social networking sites eg. facebook, gmail, yahoo etc using OAuth 2.0 protocol. For authentication, the tokens are generated using one-time password generation technique and then encrypting them using AES method. By implementing the flexible user based policies and standards, this model improves the authorization process.
User authentication is an important security mechanism that allows mobile users to be granted access to roaming service offered by the foreign agent with assistance of the home agent in mobile networks. While security-related issues have been well studied, how to preserve user privacy in this type of protocols still remains an open problem. In this paper, we revisit the privacy-preserving two-factor authentication scheme presented by Li et al. at WCNC 2013. We show that, despite being armed with a formal security proof, this scheme actually cannot achieve the claimed feature of user anonymity and is insecure against offline password guessing attacks, and thus, it is not recommended for practical applications. Then, we figure out how to fix these identified drawbacks, and suggest an enhanced scheme with better security and reasonable efficiency. Further, we conjecture that under the non-tamper-resistant assumption of the smart cards, only symmetric-key techniques are intrinsically insufficient to attain user anonymity.