Visible to the public Exploration and Exploitation of Off-path Cached Content in Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networking

TitleExploration and Exploitation of Off-path Cached Content in Network Coding Enabled Named Data Networking
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsHu, Xiaoyan, Zheng, Shaoqi, Zhao, Lixia, Cheng, Guang, Gong, Jian
Conference Name2019 IEEE 27th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP)
ISBN Number978-1-7281-2700-2
Keywordscache storage, Complexity theory, composability, computer network security, computer networks, content delivery performance, cyber physical systems, in-network caches, in-network caching, Internet, Metrics, multipath forwarding, multipath forwarding strategy, multiple on-path routes, named data networking, NC-NDN, network coding, network node, O2CEMF, off-path cache exploration, off-path cached content, off-path cached copies, off-path caches, On-demand exploration, original content publisher, Proposals, pubcrawl, reachability information, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Routing, telecommunication network routing

Named Data Networking (NDN) intrinsically supports in-network caching and multipath forwarding. The two salient features offer the potential to simultaneously transmit content segments that comprise the requested content from original content publishers and in-network caches. However, due to the complexity of maintaining the reachability information of off-path cached content at the fine-grained packet level of granularity, the multipath forwarding and off-path cached copies are significantly underutilized in NDN so far. Network coding enabled NDN, referred to as NC-NDN, was proposed to effectively utilize multiple on-path routes to transmit content, but off-path cached copies are still unexploited. This work enhances NC-NDN with an On-demand Off-path Cache Exploration based Multipath Forwarding strategy, dubbed as O2CEMF, to take full advantage of the multipath forwarding to efficiently utilize off-path cached content. In O2CEMF, each network node reactively explores the reachability information of nearby off-path cached content when consumers begin to request a generation of content, and maintains the reachability at the coarse-grained generation level of granularity instead. Then the consumers simultaneously retrieve content from the original content publisher(s) and the explored capable off-path caches. Our experimental studies validate that this strategy improves the content delivery performance efficiently as compared to that in the present NC-NDN.

Citation Keyhu_exploration_2019