Visible to the public Real-Time Early Warning of Network Security Threats Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm

TitleReal-Time Early Warning of Network Security Threats Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsCUI, A-jun, Li, Chen, WANG, Xiao-ming
Conference Name2019 12th International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA)
KeywordsAlarm systems, ant colony algorithm, ant colony optimisation, artificial intelligence, Big Data, Collaboration, Communication networks, computer network security, energy consumption, Improved ant colony algorithm, Metrics, Network security, network security threat detection process, network security threat perception algorithm, network security threat real-time early warning, Neural Network, Neural Network Security, optimized algorithm, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, Real-time Systems, security, stability, Threat early warning
AbstractIn order to better ensure the operation safety of the network, the real-time early warning of network security threats is studied based on the improved ant colony algorithm. Firstly, the network security threat perception algorithm is optimized based on the principle of neural network, and the network security threat detection process is standardized according to the optimized algorithm. Finally, the real-time early warning of network security threats is realized. Finally, the experiment proves that the network security threat real-time warning based on the improved ant colony algorithm has better security and stability than the traditional warning methods, and fully meets the research requirements.
Citation Keycui_real-time_2019