Visible to the public A Local Integral Hash Nearest Neighbor Algorithm

TitleA Local Integral Hash Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsWang, Xi, Yao, Jun, Ji, Hongxia, Zhang, Ze, Li, Chen, Ma, Beizhi
Conference Name2018 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering (ICMCCE)
Keywordsaccess tree, computer image algorithm, data distribution characteristics, fast retrieval algorithms, fast search algorithm, hash algorithms, high dimensional data, Local integral hash, local integral hash nearest neighbor algorithm, Measurement, Metrics, Nearest neighbor algorithm, nearest neighbor search, nearest neighbor search algorithm, nearest neighbour methods, pubcrawl, search problems, tree based algorithms, tree data structures, tree structure, trees (mathematics)

Nearest neighbor search algorithm plays a very important role in computer image algorithm. When the search data is large, we need to use fast search algorithm. The current fast retrieval algorithms are tree based algorithms. The efficiency of the tree algorithm decreases sharply with the increase of the data dimension. In this paper, a local integral hash nearest neighbor algorithm of the spatial space is proposed to construct the tree structure by changing the way of the node of the access tree. It is able to express data distribution characteristics. After experimental testing, this paper achieves more efficient performance in high dimensional data.

Citation Keywang_local_2018