Visible to the public Authenticate Users with Their Work on the Internet

TitleAuthenticate Users with Their Work on the Internet
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsKhorev, P.B.
Conference Name2018 IV International Conference on Information Technologies in Engineering Education (Inforino)
Date Publishedoct
Keywordsauthentication, authorisation, Authorization, Browsers, classification of text documents, Document Object Model, History, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet, Internet user, message authentication, Metrics, multifactor authentication, password, pubcrawl, remote access, remote information systems, resilience, Resiliency, secret password, user authentication, Web pages
AbstractExamines the shortcomings of existing methods of user authentication when accessing remote information systems. Proposed method of multi-factor authentication based on validation of knowledge of a secret password and verify that the habits and preferences of Internet user's interests, defined by registration in the system. Identifies the language and tools implementation of the proposed authentication algorithm.
Citation Keykhorev_authenticate_2018