Visible to the public Physical Integrity Attack Detection of Surveillance Camera with Deep Learning based Video Frame Interpolation

TitlePhysical Integrity Attack Detection of Surveillance Camera with Deep Learning based Video Frame Interpolation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsPan, Jonathan
Conference Name2019 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence System (IoTaIS)
Date Published5-7 Nov. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-2516-9
Keywordsanomaly detection, camera positions, Cameras, cyber physical attacks, cyber physical devices, cyber physical security, cyber security attacks, Cyber-physical systems, Deep Learning, deep learning algorithms, deep learning-based video frame interpolation, deep video, integrity attacks, interpolation, learning (artificial intelligence), Metrics, physical attributes, physical configuration, physical integrity attack detection, physical security attacks, physical spaces, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security of data, surveillance camera, Surveillance Camera Physical Tampering, video surveillance

Surveillance cameras, which is a form of Cyber Physical System, are deployed extensively to provide visual surveillance monitoring of activities of interest or anomalies. However, these cameras are at risks of physical security attacks against their physical attributes or configuration like tampering of their recording coverage, camera positions or recording configurations like focus and zoom factors. Such adversarial alteration of physical configuration could also be invoked through cyber security attacks against the camera's software vulnerabilities to administratively change the camera's physical configuration settings. When such Cyber Physical attacks occur, they affect the integrity of the targeted cameras that would in turn render these cameras ineffective in fulfilling the intended security functions. There is a significant measure of research work in detection mechanisms of cyber-attacks against these Cyber Physical devices, however it is understudied area with such mechanisms against integrity attacks on physical configuration. This research proposes the use of the novel use of deep learning algorithms to detect such physical attacks originating from cyber or physical spaces. Additionally, we proposed the novel use of deep learning-based video frame interpolation for such detection that has comparatively better performance to other anomaly detectors in spatiotemporal environments.

Citation Keypan_physical_2019