Visible to the public Common Security Criteria for Vehicular Clouds and Internet of Vehicles Evaluation and Selection

TitleCommon Security Criteria for Vehicular Clouds and Internet of Vehicles Evaluation and Selection
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsAladwan, Mohammad, Awaysheh, Feras, Cabaleiro, José, Pena, Tomás, Alabool, Hamzeh, Alazab, Mamoun
Conference Name2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/13th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE)
KeywordsBusiness, cloud computing, cloud-based vehicular cloud, Computer architecture, context-based analysis pattern, cyber physical systems, data exchange, data privacy, data transfer, Encryption, Evaluation and Selection, Human Behavior, human factors, intelligent transportation system stakeholders, intelligent transportation systems, Internet of Things, Internet of Vehicles, IoT-based smart city, Memory, Metrics, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security criteria, security of data, security selection criteria, Vehicular cloud
AbstractInternet of Things (IoT) is becoming increasingly important to intelligent transportation system stakeholders, including cloud-based vehicular cloud (VC) and internet of vehicles (IoV) paradigms. This new trend involves communication and data exchange between several objects within different layers of control. Security in such a deployment is pivotal to realize the general IoT-based smart city. However, the evaluation of the degree of security regarding these paradigms remains a challenge. This study aims to discover and identify common security criteria (CSC) from a context-based analysis pattern and later to discuss, compare, and aggregate a conceptual model of CSC impartially. A privacy granularity classification that maintains data confidentiality is proposed alongside the security selection criteria.
Citation Keyaladwan_common_2019