Visible to the public Meeting the Demand: Building a Cybersecurity Degree Program With Limited Resources

TitleMeeting the Demand: Building a Cybersecurity Degree Program With Limited Resources
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBell, S., Oudshoorn, M.
Conference Name2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)
Date PublishedOct. 2018
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1174-6
KeywordsComputational modeling, computer aided instruction, Computer science, computer science education, Computer Science programs, computer security, cyber physical systems, cybersecurity courses, cybersecurity curriculum, cybersecurity degree program, cybersecurity education, cybersecurity program accreditation criteria, Education, educational courses, Educational institutions, further education, Industries, Internet, privacy, pubcrawl, publicized cyber-attacks, security of data, universities

This innovative practice paper considers the heightening awareness of the need for cybersecurity programs in light of several well publicized cyber-attacks in recent years. An examination of the academic job market reveals that a significant number of institutions are looking to hire new faculty in the area of cybersecurity. Additionally, a growing number of universities are starting to offer courses, certifications and degrees in cybersecurity. Other recent activity includes the development of a model cybersecurity curriculum and the creation of a program accreditation criteria for cybersecurity through ABET. This sudden and significant growth in demand for cybersecurity expertise has some similarities to the significant demand for networking faculty that Computer Science programs experienced in the late 1980s as a result of the rise of the Internet. This paper examines the resources necessary to respond to the demand for cybersecurity courses and programs and draws some parallels and distinctions to the demand for networking faculty over 25 years ago. Faculty and administration are faced with a plethora of questions to answer as they approach this problem: What degree and courses to offer, what certifications to consider, which curriculum to incorporate and how to deliver the material (online, faceto-face, or something in-between)? However, the most pressing question in today's fiscal climate in higher education is: what resources will it take to deliver a cybersecurity program?

Citation Keybell_meeting_2018