Visible to the public Coupled calculation of hydrodynamic and acoustic characteristics in the far-field of the ship propulsor

TitleCoupled calculation of hydrodynamic and acoustic characteristics in the far-field of the ship propulsor
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPialov, K., Slutsky, R., Maizel, A.
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Dynamics and Vibroacoustics of Machines (DVM)
Date Publishedsep
Keywordsacoustic characteristics, acoustic coupling, Acoustic signal processing, aeroacoustics, computational fluid dynamics, computational hydrodynamic, coupled calculation, eddy-resolving approaches, far-field, flow simulation, Harmonic analysis, Human Behavior, hydrodynamic characteristics, Hydrodynamics, hydrodynamics task, marine propulsion, mathematical modelling, Navier-Stokes equations, numerical analysis, numerical modelling, pubcrawl, RANS models, Resiliency, Scalability, ship propulsor, ships
AbstractThis report provides a calculation example of hydrodynamic and acoustic characteristics of the ship propulsor using numerical modelling with the help of RANS-models and eddy-resolving approaches in the hydrodynamics task, acoustic analogy in the acoustics tasks and harmonic analysis of the propulsor under hydrodynamic loads.
Citation Keypialov_coupled_2020