Visible to the public Trust Repair in Performance, Process, and Purpose Factors of Human-Robot Trust

TitleTrust Repair in Performance, Process, and Purpose Factors of Human-Robot Trust
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAlarcon, G. M., Gibson, A. M., Jessup, S. A.
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS)
Date PublishedSept. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-5871-6
KeywordsAutomation, distrust behaviors, HRI, Human Behavior, human factors, human-robot, human-robot interaction, human-robot ttust, Investment, maintenance engineering, organisational aspects, partner performance perceptions, Performance, process, pubcrawl, purpose, purpose factors, purpose perceptions, resilience, Resiliency, Robot Trust, Service robots, subsequent trust behaviors, Task Analysis, Trust, Trust Repair, trust violation, trust violations, trustworthiness perceptions, visual perception

The current study explored the influence of trust and distrust behaviors on performance, process, and purpose (trustworthiness) perceptions over time when participants were paired with a robot partner. We examined the changes in trustworthiness perceptions after trust violations and trust repair after those violations. Results indicated performance, process, and purpose perceptions were all affected by trust violations, but perceptions of process and purpose decreased more than performance following a distrust behavior. Similarly, trust repair was achieved in performance perceptions, but trust repair in perceived process and purpose was absent. When a trust violation occurred, process and purpose perceptions deteriorated and failed to recover from the violation. In addition, the trust violation resulted in untrustworthy perceptions of the robot. In contrast, trust violations decreased partner performance perceptions, and subsequent trust behaviors resulted in a trust repair. These findings suggest that people are more sensitive to distrust behaviors in their perceptions of process and purpose than they are in performance perceptions.

Citation Keyalarcon_trust_2020