Visible to the public Data Provenance Assurance for Cloud Storage Using Blockchain

TitleData Provenance Assurance for Cloud Storage Using Blockchain
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsPatil, A., Jha, A., Mulla, M. M., Narayan, D. G., Kengond, S.
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Materials (ICACCM)
Date PublishedAug. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-9785-2
KeywordsAWS S3, AWS S3 storage, blockchain network, cloud computing, cloud data object, cloud forensics, cloud infrastructures, cloud storage, cloud storage forensics, cloud-based data provenance, composability, confidential files, contracts, cryptography, data accountability, data integrity, data privacy, data provenance assurance, Data Provenances, data record operations, digital forensics, Distributed databases, ethereum, Ethereum blockchain, Forensics, IPFS, metadata, Metrics, network accountability, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, SLA-violations, storage management, storage privacy

Cloud forensics investigates the crime committed over cloud infrastructures like SLA-violations and storage privacy. Cloud storage forensics is the process of recording the history of the creation and operations performed on a cloud data object and investing it. Secure data provenance in the Cloud is crucial for data accountability, forensics, and privacy. Towards this, we present a Cloud-based data provenance framework using Blockchain, which traces data record operations and generates provenance data. Initially, we design a dropbox like application using AWS S3 storage. The application creates a cloud storage application for the students and faculty of the university, thereby making the storage and sharing of work and resources efficient. Later, we design a data provenance mechanism for confidential files of users using Ethereum blockchain. We also evaluate the proposed system using performance parameters like query and transaction latency by varying the load and number of nodes of the blockchain network.

Citation Keypatil_data_2020