Visible to the public Anonymous scheme for blockchain atomic swap based on zero-knowledge proof

TitleAnonymous scheme for blockchain atomic swap based on zero-knowledge proof
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsCao, L., Wan, Z.
Conference Name2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Applications (ICAICA)
Date PublishedJune 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-7005-3
Keywordsanonymous improvement scheme, anonymous list, anonymous scheme, atomic exchange, blockchain atomic swap, contracts, cryptocurrencies, data privacy, Elliptic curves, human factors, policy-based governance, privacy, privacy leakage, Protocols, pubcrawl, Public key, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, self-certification, smart contract, smart contract address information, transaction processing, UTXO unconsumed model, zero trust, zero-knowledge proof
AbstractThe blockchain's cross-chain atomic exchange uses smart contracts to replace trusted third parties, but atomic exchange cannot guarantee the anonymity of transactions, and it will inevitably increase the risk of privacy leakage. Therefore, this paper proposes an atom based on zero-knowledge proof. Improved methods of exchange to ensure the privacy of both parties in a transaction. The anonymous improvement scheme in this article uses the UTXO unconsumed model to add a new anonymous list in the blockchain. When sending assets to smart contracts, zero-knowledge proof is used to provide self-certification of ownership of the asset, and then the transaction is broken down. Only the hash value of the transaction is sent to the node, and the discarded list is used to verify the validity of the transaction, which achieves the effect of storing assets anonymously in the smart contract. At the same time, a smart contract is added when the two parties in the transaction communicate to exchange the contract address of the newly set smart contract between the two parties in the transaction. This can prevent the smart contract address information from being stolen when the two parties in the transaction communicate directly.
Citation Keycao_anonymous_2020