Visible to the public A Solution of Text Based CAPTCHA without Network Flow Consumption

TitleA Solution of Text Based CAPTCHA without Network Flow Consumption
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBaolin, X., Minhuan, Z.
Conference Name2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS)
Date PublishedOct. 2020
ISBN Number978-1-7281-6579-0
Keywordsauthorisation, CAPTCHA technology, captchas, client, client malicious programs, client-server systems, composability, distributed information processing, Encryption, formal verification, high-security text-based CAPTCHA solution, Human Behavior, information processing, information processing security issues, network flow, pubcrawl, security, security risks, server, Servers, software engineering, telecommunication traffic, text based CAPTCHA, text-based CAPTCHA, verification logic

With the widespread application of distributed information processing, information processing security issues have become one of the important research topics; CAPTCHA technology is often used as the first security barrier for distributed information processing and it prevents the client malicious programs to attack the server. The experiment proves that the existing "request / response" mode of CAPTCHA has great security risks. "The text-based CAPTCHA solution without network flow consumption" proposed in this paper avoids the "request / response" mode and the verification logic of the text-based CAPTCHA is migrated to the client in this solution, which fundamentally cuts off the client's attack facing to the server during the verification of the CAPTCHA and it is a high-security text-based CAPTCHA solution without network flow consumption.

Citation Keybaolin_solution_2020