Visible to the public Traceable Ciphertext Policy Attribute-based Encryption Scheme with User Revocation for Cloud Storage

TitleTraceable Ciphertext Policy Attribute-based Encryption Scheme with User Revocation for Cloud Storage
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsWang, X., Chi, Y., Zhang, Y.
Conference Name2020 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Application (ICCEA)
Date Publishedmar
KeywordsAccess Control, associated user revocation, association revocation, authorisation, ciphertext re-encryption technology, cloud computing, cloud storage, compositionality, CP-ABE, CP-ABE scheme, data privacy, Encryption, encryption audits, fine-grained access control, forward security, identity directory technology, Predictive Metrics, private key cryptography, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Servers, single user revocation, storage management, Traceability, traceable ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption scheme, user identity tracking, user revocation, Vegetation
AbstractCiphertext policy Attribute-based encryption (CPABE) plays an increasingly important role in the field of fine-grained access control for cloud storage. However, The exiting solution can not balance the issue of user identity tracking and user revocation. In this paper, we propose a CP-ABE scheme that supports association revocation and traceability. This scheme uses identity directory technology to realize single user revocation and associated user revocation, and the ciphertext re-encryption technology guarantees the forward security of revocation without updating the private key. In addition, we can accurately trace the identity of the user according to the decryption private key and effectively solve the problem of key abuse. This scheme is proved to be safe and traceable under the standard model, and can effectively control the computational and storage costs while maintaining functional advantages. It is suitable for the practical scenarios of tracking audit and user revocation.
Citation Keywang_traceable_2020